Task 8 Appropriating Serra and Veilhan


I appropriated the lines of Richard Serra’s drawings such as Black tracks 2002 and form of Forged Drawing 1980/2008 and combined it with a the motion of Xavier Veilhan’s Le Mobile. Serra’s drawings in charcoal, ink and paintstick have a beautifully organic quality that I find fascinating. The rough edges and high contrast between the white and black give them a two dimensional motion in a similar way to Veilhan’s very static imagery of clean spheres having three dimensional motion in their mobiles. I am interested in translating the two dimensional to the three dimensional and so I chose to recreate the organic lines from Serra’s drawings in wire. This was remarkable difficult because as I was attempting to accurately recreate the organic nature of the drawings the outcome was very static because it was such a controlled process. To achieve anything close to the organicity of Serra’s work I had to abandon any attempt to copy his lines but more to use the style of drawing to achieve the same feel. In wire the shapes and lines lose some of the raw edge that adds motion in the large scale of his work. My own recreation is on a small scale and so I was happy with the level of motion added by the number of lines in the area of each drawing. Similarly the plain black appropriated from several of Serra’s works provides contrast to the untidy drawings. Experimenting with Veilhan style mobile structure, I suppose inevitably recreated the smooth motion of his pieces. Learning how to balance the sides of the piece took some attempts but formed an ever changing outcome.

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