Task 3 and 4

 Harvard Referencing:


Dazed Digital (2015), Revisiting the 90’s moral panic over heroin chic, Available from www.dazeddigtal.com/fashion/article/28630/1/revisting-the-90’s-moral-panic-over-heroin-chic, (accessed 14 November 2017)


Akbar A. 2006, Photograph that inspired ‘heroin chic’ is selected for ultimate fashion show. The Independent, 9th November, 1.


Wilcox, C. (2015) Alexander McQueen. London: V and A Publishing.

My theme for this week’s task is looking at the ‘Heroin Chic’ period of the 1990’s, focusing on the controversy around it and also that it was such a movement in the fashion world. I chose my website article because it talks about the negatives of the time including glamorising drug abuse and eating disorders, looking at famous people who had fallen due to heroin overdoses such as Kurt Cobain and Davide Sorrenti. It also talks about how the models were representing an unhealthy body image for women, talking about anorexia and bulimia. My newspaper article because it talks more about the art and aesthetic of ‘heroin chic’, reminding us that it was a trend and movement within the fashion world starting with Kate Moss. I chose my Alexander McQueen book because I think he really represented the change in fashion and pushing the limits for example his early work like the collection ‘Highland Rape’ 1995 and the ‘bumpsters’ trousers. He also used models Kate Moss and Jodi Kidd who were under scrutiny for being too skinny and Kate being the model who started the whole trend.

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