
Throughout this module, I really enjoyed the lectures and tutor’s voice though some parts of the lecture confuse me. Actually I have explored a variety of books and magazines which I found some more interesting ideas and communicative skills than I have learnt before. I like writing, but I’m not sure how I have done, because I am not a native people in Britain, I need learn more.

Within the task ethic writing, I have never seen this before and I cannot understanding the whole lecture. It spent so much times on doing research and analyze what we can get from the image. The problem is that I am not sure the articles and sources on the website are reliable and some chapters I cannot understand very well.

When I was reading the books, I try to understand the meanings, but some articles are so professional that I need to check some aspects on Wikipedia. Then I realized WSA library is a reliable way to get resources and information. So maybe in the future, I will choose library rather than the internet.

For the majority of the tasks during this module I focused on doing research and reading books and try my best to complete the essay according to our requirements. Also my course become busier and busier, but I never leave it behind though it is a little bit tough for me.

To sum up, RCS module offers me the ability to distinguish whether resources are available or not, and provides me with skills which may be useful for my further course.

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