Colourfall: Spectroscopic (2013) is acrylic paint mounted on aluminium panel, Ian Davenport created this using nothing less than syringes full of paint, systematically pouring them down the surface. With the panels tilted slightly, gravity and consistency of the paint determines the final result of the painting. In my opinion, there is no theoretical reasoning behind his work other than the constant discussion of chance and intention. One could argue that it is pure chance in where and how the paint falls down the surface, especially at the bottom. But it could be the intention of using syringes with thin amount of paint and a steady hand in order to ensure a smooth line. The angle in which the panel is tilted is also under control of the artist to achieve some sort of desired outcome. I enjoy the fact that that Davenport’s work seems to be, arguably, isolated from the main political and social issues explored within the contemporary art world. His work has a conversation with its own materiality rather than the world around it.
Task 9
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