Task 6: Post Modernism

Postmodernism is ā€˜A late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.ā€™Ā [1].

This first image [2] is from the artist Roy Liechtenstein whose work was considered to be pop art. His style was influenced by advertising and comic books and had once said that pop art was ā€˜not ā€˜Americanā€™ painting but actually industrial paintingā€™. [3] Liechtensteinā€™s work and others similar such as Andy Warhol were what I had looked at during my previous years of school and have been a huge interest of mine as I am drawn to the bold lines, simplistic colours, and small details used to create ā€˜lighterā€™ colours in a stippling manner.



This image [4] is a poster for theNew York Public Theatre designed by Paula Scher. Scher had created a trend in typography because of posters that she had designed for the Public Theatre which was a combination of mixed font weights and spacing as she had done when creating the theatreā€™s identity. Her work is often bold and graphic such as this poster which she has used a deconstructed photograph to create it.Ā  Although the poster is an unusual colour combination it works well, and that draws me into her work as it shows that you can make any colour work together and draw attention without the need for any other elements to distract away from that. [5]



This third image [6] is a photograph by Sandy Skoglund, Revenge of the Goldfish (1981). Her aim was to take advantage of the viewers gullibility as at the time photography was for the most part staged with models and studio set ups. She created her own set with many sculptures of gold fish at varying levels with two main contrasting colours. Skoglundā€™s work is entertaining to look at and makes you question whether it is real which is the work that I personally find more interesting to look at and attempt to embody in my work.




[1] Oxford Dictionary. ā€˜Post Modernismā€™. Oxford University Press (2017)


[Accessed 15/11/17]


[2] Written by Meg Kramer. Edited by A. Joseph. (Modified 30/10/17). http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-postmodern-art.htm

[Accessed 15/11/17]


[3] Information used from Wikipedia.org. (Modified 6/12/2017) http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/roy-lichtenstein-1508

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[4] Smithsonian Design Museum.


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[5] The Museum of Modern Art.


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[6] East Tennessee State University.


[Accessed 15/11/17]

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