Postmodernism – Task 6

Within art, postmodernism was the movement that reacted against modernism which had widely dominated art theory and practices since the beginning of the 20th century. Whilst modernism was mainly based on idealism and championed simplicity, postmodernism was created based on scepticism and embraced a much more complex outlook.

Keith Haring was an American artist whose work grew to an iconic level of popularity due to his colourful, spontaneous drawings and prints. I chose to look at Haring’s print, Growing 3 as I was immediately drawn to the bright yellow upon black, it creates a dramatic atmosphere as well as drawing attention. In my opinion the piece itself is quite complex as at first glance it can appear to be just a cluster of lines and shapes, however on closer viewing the drawing seems to come to life; revealing more recognisable shapes and forms. I find the red dot in the centre intriguing, almost as if it is a deliberate focal point forcing you to start viewing it from the centre and work your way out.

Graphic designer April Greiman designed the poster Your Turn, My Turn for a 1983 symposium in LA, California. Greiman was one of the first designers to embrace computer technology as a design tool which is made clear within her works. I chose to look at her poster Your Turn, My Turn as I liked the muted yellows and blues as well as the composition; the bold title allows for easy reading and each of the coloured shapes lead the eye through the relevant information within the poster.




Shepard Fairey is an American contemporary street artist, graphic designer and illustrator who founded OBEY clothing. I chose this print of Fairey’s called Operation Oil Freedom because I am drawn to the intense amount of detail within the print, in my opinion small details can have a huge impact on how an image is viewed as well as the message that is conveyed. I particularly like the use of bold outlines against the ornate gold details and embellishments as it kind of acts as a juxtaposition between harsh and elegant.






Keith Haring, Growing 3,!/art-work/702#.WihHSORLHIU

Keith Haring research,

Shepard Fairey, Operation Oil Freedom,

April Greiman, Your Turn, My Turn,




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