Encapsulation- Task 10


Performative, masking, expressionistic, chaotic, feminism , juxtaposing, rebellious, distortion, symbolic, beauty

Through my time at University, I have been looking at a specific theme of appearance and cosmetics and how they are used. This has been a common theme within each project. This then lead to the theme and ideas behind my film. Iā€™ve always been intrigued with makeup and, so I wanted to really explore this idea of how it can be used to enhance, or even change oneā€™s features, so when making my film I thought about this and wanted to explore this idea further. Therefore, I felt makeup was a great symbolic way to connect these two ideas together.

My film entails me, sitting in front of a camera applying and smearing makeup, mainly lipstick across my mouth and slightly onto my face. The pace of each clip in my film varies, some are fast, some slow and some are even in reverse. I did this by using an application that could change the speed of my videoā€™s.

I feel the overall outcome of this film is very performative, which is something new to me as I havenā€™t created performative art before. I was inspired by the artist Pipilotti Rist, 1962.Ā  Watching her video “Be nice to meā€ ,(2000). This video opened my mind to the possibility of making a film centred around the concept of make up and the symbolic power that it has. I really enjoyed creating my film through performance art. I definitely want to pursue this further in my practise as a medium.

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