Task 11

My blog has helped me develop themes and ideas I’m interested in, and think about the kind of work I would like to produce in the future. It has allowed me to discover new artists and has drastically broadened my knowledge in art.

I found certain tasks more useful than others, specifically tasks 6 and 10, in which I became deeply invested in. Task 6 forced me to think outside the box and develop a new mode of practice. It made me consider using new techniques in my artwork, which I would never consider using before. Task 10 helped me self-reflect and come to a conclusion about what my artwork is about at the moment, something which, I believe, is very important for an artist to know, in order to proceed with future artwork. The process of gathering all my thoughts and ideas for that task, inspired me and gave me even more ideas to work on in the future.

Some tasks were more challenging than others, such as task 7, which required me to compare two different texts. However, I do believe this task helped me develop my conceptual and analytical skills and as a whole, this blog has helped me grow as an artist.

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