Task 2: Consume a Book

Nicola Hicks, Sculpture and Drawings, 14 January – 13 February 1994

This book is about the artist, Nicola Hicks. Hicks is a contemporary sculptor who also has a passion for drawing. The book describes her series of animal sculptures and drawings, her move to human figures and then an interview with the artist.

Several questions are put to the artist, one being about how sculpture could be a drawing. Hicks (1994, pg. 71) states that:

‘The excitement is in the form and the only thing you have to work with when you make a sculpture is light. You draw with light.’

She is saying that with sculpture you always have to think about how line is affected by light, and using the light to draw the line. When you look back at some of her sculptures that are created using plaster and straw, you can see how she has used the light to shape her piece. She thinks that sculpture is the closest to drawing out of all the fine arts because of this.



HELLER, R. HUBBARD, S. (1994) Nicola Hicks Sculpture and Drawings. London: Flowers East.

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