Task 1:


I developed this spin painting from a collection of smaller spins made on paper I had been experimenting with. This piece was created on a sheet of wood which I had painted white. I made the spin machine using a router machine with a base piece of wood on the top. In total I used three different coloured acrylic paints, I believe these work well together and draw the eyes attention into the centre of the piece. I layered up the paints to give the piece depth and to make it more intricate.
It took me a long time to develop this technique, as before this I experimented with a lot of different tools to apply the paint, such as needles, syringe’s, paintbrushes and pipettes. To create this piece I used a needle to drop the paint in small droplets from a height. The speed and movement of the spin forces the paint to travel outwards creating the small splatters of paint. I would develop this technique further by experimenting with spin on fabric and incorporate hand or machine stitching into the designs created. I could also explore hanging pieces from the ceiling using fabric, embroidery threads and ribbons to see if it gave the technique of spin painting a different impression on an audience.

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