Task 8, Appropriation

Appropriation means the deliberate rework of pre-existing objects or images, with little transformation applied.

I chose to use Irving Penn’s photography of Lisa Fonassgrives, ‘From the Bygone’. His Images show a sense of simple and serious. He isolates the models and raises them to photographic perfection. His work is neat, smooth and elegant. Penn shows beauty within women with flawless skin with a strong and fierce look.

My idea was to take his photo and layer colourful collage over the top. Taking away the serious feel and replace it with a new meaning of beauty. Fun and excitement, showing no perfection, yet there is still beauty seen between the different shapes and colours. This helps to take away the idea of beauty being found only within the flawless.

By taking someone like Lisa Fonassgrives, I was able to almost abuse the iconic. Cutting out and drawing cartoon cigarettes and smoke, strong eyebrow designs and big lips, out of bold purples, yellows and oranges. I chose to use bold colours to one, make the drawings stand out strong and distort the images, to help ‘appropriate it’ in my perspective. The second reason was to take away the black and white that makes Penn’s images look so formal. The idea was to take away he edge and bring back the fun, while still showing natural beauty and style that the model has.



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