Technology is the mortal enemy of art

With the world evolving and being introduced to new technology, graphic design also evolves alongside it. Graphic design possesses an integral role in the modern world as many consumers are subconsciously becoming critics to what constitutes great and effective design. As designers, we are continuously pushed to improve and innovate thanks to information being easily accessible through various media such as books, internet and consumer demands. Technology is a prominent aspect of creating and allows the art to get more innovative over the years.
‘Artist yesterday constructors today’ [1] is a very interesting way to view todays artist, constructors imply building. Which I suppose you could say is true – today’s artists build on their artwork through technology and with the help of technology. Technology also allows you work on your artwork through different mediums but also you’re able to create mixed medium outcomes and combine them with computer design software resulting in an overall design that is unique without ruining of altering the original. It is with the use of technology that art has become more efficient and in a way easier as technology assist the artist. For example, typography has come along way from its origin. Computers turned typeface design into a rather simplified process. There are now thousands of typefaces available.
Furthermore, technology really helps an artist get their work out there. Its accessible and easy to promote your work through the use of technology. Not only this but in some case the use of technology is vital as it becomes part of the art work. Jacqui Kenny experiences agoraphobia which is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn’t be available if things go wrong. For her, the thought of leaving the house is enough to generate stress and panic attacks. It was with the help of technology that she managed to feel “more connected to the world than  ever before.” [2] With an interest in photography Google Street View allowed Kenny to see various parts of the world but also “gave her the opportunity to be a photographer but without having anxious feelings.” She has taken thousands of screenshots which have enable her to find her voice. ‘Her photos, evoking something deeper than just a well-framed photo.’ Therefore, I think technology is not the enemy of art but an asset to art. Art inspires technology as much as technology inspires art.

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