Task 3 – Technology is the Mortal Enemy of Art

Designers have always wanted to push boundaries and strive towards a better way of working. It is important that we constantly outdo one another as this is what pushes us to be better and keep creating. As a designer, I find that “technology is the mortal enemy of art” is a very narrow-minded way of thinking. Although many consider technology to be hindering creativity, it is my opinion that it is doing the opposite. Technology is aiding many graphic designers in their way of working as it allows them to experiment quicker, with more precision and we “artists yesterday constructors today”. However, no matter what specialism of art one is in, no designer will work on technology alone as no designer wants to let traditional art die out; it is an important building bock that every artist needs to utilise to develop into their own.

Technology has helped artists show and exhibit their work on the web as well as even allowing social media to help artists get recognized and create a name for themselves, whereas without social media, this would be a lot harder. Technology also allows designers to explore a variety of  different art  forms and find inspiration for their projects, allowing their studies to be more in depth.

According to an article in the guardian “there has been an explosion of creative activity in the technology space: there are over 3 million apps, and 300 hours of YouTube video are uploaded every minute. According to some estimates, every two minutes we snap as many pictures as the entire population of the world did in the 1800s” this alone shows how much technology has aided creativity and given many people a platform to put themselves on.


Chamorro, T (2015), The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/media-networks/2015/jun/18/technology-creative-creativity-web-content

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