Sarah Rapheal Small Objects In Dialogue – Plate 5,6 of small object in transit a series of 6 etching
Paper 22 x 22 cm ; plate 15 x 15
1999-2000 Page 40
A survey of work from 1994-2001 Published August 2003
Through this process I chose a developed artist who developed her work through passion and education. When I went to the library I had an open mind and chose to look through 20th-21st century artists and the cover of this book caught my eye. I looked at her quirky drawing and prints through the book ‘Sarah Rapheal- a survey of work from 1994-2001’ and was immediately drawn to the bright oranges, navy blues and beige. There was an index page where all the artwork was listed with titles, date of production, how it was created and size. It made it easier for me to identify which image I was inspired by with all the relevant information to hand. There is a series of drawings that I picked out from the book which was part of the collection ‘Strip!’. This fuelled the start of research further into 20th-21st century.
To look for a similar artist who had same passion, I went onto V and A museum website to look at their current collections. I wanted a modern/contemporary approach that was preferably from the 20th/21st century to relate to the book by S.Rapheal. This is why I went with this particular exhibition. The website was helpful but I couldn’t filter my research as much as I would have liked by searching more techniques rather that a broad ‘Fashion’ or ‘quilting’. From that I looked at multiple museums like the national portrait gallery, Museum Moderne Kunst, and finally the fashion and textile museum. I was hoping for an easy and helpful website and it did just that where I could see past exhibitions and ones coming in the future. On the 31st January -18th May an exhibit where scarfs were made with artwork from Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Henry Moore and Picasso printed onto them. I chose to look at museum websites as they are reliable sources
The scarfs created by Wesley Simpson a textile artist, he produced most of his worked in 1940’s on silk. I expanded my knowledge by learning about his works. I searched his name into Google and found that the MET New York archive held information and showcases his work. I discovered he does his own variety of prints as well as using famous artists work like Picasso and Salvador Dali to be shown in exhibitions around the world.
From this experience I have widened my knowledge of using museum websites and reliable data. I found finding an image I liked as there was a wide range of books and a broad subject to make you choose from. Next time I would like to experience going to London to go to an exhibition and research the artist in person. I really enjoy looking at new artists as I like to reference them in the future and explore deeper into their works.
Bibliography :
Sarah Rapheal, A survey of work from 1994-2001 Published August 2003