Nathan Pine – Task 2

The book I chose to read was Harry Thubron by Arts Council. The book was simply talking about Thubrons work from a viewer’s perspective. I found this more informative as I could compare my own personal opinions of an image with the authors perspective; giving me new ways of viewing some of his work.

Some of Thurbons work could be interpreted as an organised mess, “To him there is no contradiction between order and disorder”, this quote from the book reinforces my point and after reading the quote his artwork made a lot more sense to me. At first glance at Thurbons work it all looks like a jumbled pile of materials, some of them I do feel just look like piles of trash, such as the work named “Camino Real, 1974”. However some of them have an almost accidental structure, which I find quite beautiful. One piece in particular strongly captured my attention and that was “Rose, 1966”. The image is still messy but in a more attractive way than some of the others. The colours are similar shades of yellows and browns, which match the golden-yellow tones of the roses; it has a symmetry that makes it seem more organised and presentable compared to some of his other works.

I personally like Thurbons approach to art, however sometimes I feel he takes it too far and it begins to lose its meaning, but perhaps this is his intention.

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