Jordan Warwick – Task 1: Mr Doodle

Through constant scrolling on social media I found artists online and Mr. Doodle was one of these. His pieces consist of constant doodling, using a marker pen, on various different surfaces and I adored it. He creates humorous characters, all of which are different from one another, at a pace that I am simply in awe of. I have found myself watching his videos on Instagram, wondering how he can make all of it up right on the spot. I was so intrigued, I decided to give it a try. I found a marker pen, opened my sketchbook and set to work.

As art students we are taught to plan ahead of time, making sure that everything is written out and ready for the deadline. This is the complete opposite, a challenge. From the beginning I decided against creating little characters because I knew I would not be able to conjure them up in so short a time, so I made the conscious decision to experiment with lines and marks. I started slow and eventually sped up until I realised I had become stuck in a repetitive pattern and would have to reprogram the way I was thinking, into a new perspective – opening up my mind for new ideas.

Gradually, the process became easier as I figured out new ways to create interesting patterns of repetition. In addition to this, it was refreshing to try something completely alien to me and actually enjoy the dizzying outcome that my experiment resulted in.




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