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Topic 2 2015, Page 2

Reflecting on Multiple Online Identities

In their comments on my initial post, both Hollie and Leah highlighted my mention of Alessandro Ludovic’s opinion that having multiple online identities can have mean that we start to have multiple offline identities too. Hollie highlighted this blog post for me which I found extremely interesting. As the author of this blog post points out, even before the internet was thought of, people have always adapted their behaviour depending on the audience. Continue reading →

Time to say goodbye: Reflecting on Online Identities

Picture Credit: At university I study Psychology so identity is a concept I am very familiar with however, online identity is a concept I had not thought about in depth. I am starting to realise is that the internet is becoming increasingly important for our generation. I have always taken the internet for granted. This week I decided to expand my online identity further and I created myself a LinkedIn account. Continue reading →

Time to say goodbye: Reflecting on Online Identities

Picture Credit: At university I study Psychology so identity is a concept I am very familiar with however, online identity is a concept I had not thought about in depth. I am starting to realise is that the internet is becoming increasingly important for our generation. I have always taken the internet for granted. This week I decided to expand my online identity further and I created myself a LinkedIn account. Continue reading →

Online Identities: Who Should We Be?

London based social media agency named We Are Social calculated that in January 2015, there were 2.08 billion active online social media accounts, which is 29% of the worlds population. One of the key worries for all these internet users it that of security. Everything you share which creates your online persona e.g. your name, date of birth, the type of music you like, is mostly controlled by you. However it’s unlikely you get to control who monitors your information. Continue reading →

Many identities online: good or bad?

In the age of technological innovation, the internet more and more close to people’s life. People share their life and opinion through the internet and enjoy this mode. People can connect with others via the internet whatever they are in which conner in this world. With increasingly websites, people need to register many identities if they want to use these websites like fecebook, google and titter. So a network user may well have many identities at the same time on the internet. Continue reading →

One Online Identity or Many?

The topic of having one online identity or many reminded me of something I remember from my younger days. When I was at school, I remember being taught one of the most important rules of the web was to never tell people your real name or give out any personal details. The threat of cyber-crime was one that people were very much afraid of, and the idea that somebody you’d never even met could know your name was a horrifying notion for the people of the early 2000’s. Continue reading →

How ethical is the act of creating an online alter ego?

In 2015, the internet has become an important factor in almost everyone’s daily life. Keeping in touch with Facebook, sharing pictures on Instagram, or making important career connections on LinkedIn. Even though the internet has the ability to shape what we do on a daily basis, people can use the internet for having multiple personas. This may not sound that bad, but internet aliases can be present in things like online dating and these aliases can do some harm. Continue reading →

Managing online identities: you have a lot more ‘identities’ than you think

Back in the day when the internet first was a ‘thing,’ we could remain relatively anonymous; not to mention, we could surf the web with little worry about identity theft and fraud. This old web expanded and changed rapidly. Today, people wish to communicate online with authentic identities like a well-maintained Facebook profile. Not to mention, businesses nowadays like to build customer profiles in order to recommend user-specific products, and consequently keep hold of personal histories. Continue reading →

Online Identies: What do they claim about you?

“When you are using the internet, your online identity is the sum of your characteristics and interactions”1  An online identity is a digital persona that is built based on your “characteristics and interactions”1 whilst browsing a site. Multiple identities about you can be assumed/created for each of the various sites you visit, each with their own subtle differences – realistically an online identity is a ‘subset’1 of your real identity. Continue reading →

Are you a dog?

Anyone worth their salt in the digital identity/privacy world will know the famous New Yorker cartoon shown above. On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog This was posted in 1993 – a whole 22 years ago, in the early days of the internet, yet the cartoon could not be more relevant today. We live in a world where the youth of today are in an identity crisis, Here shows an example of where young people have two Facebook profiles. Continue reading →

Online Identities: One or Many?

Back in the 90s, the internet was a place of anonymity. Long before the days of Facebook and Twitter, only the tech-savvy were online. In those days, there was no such thing as a digital identity, because their was no link between a person’s real life identity, and an online one. Any online profile was a disconnected pseudonym, and there was no need to link your real name or post a photo of yourself. Continue reading →

One online identity or many?

I’ll never forget my first experience of deceit on the Internet. It was so distressing that it still gets mentioned in my family today (to mock me I might add). I was 12, and my friend had told me about a website where you create an account to have your very own ‘doll’, which you name, dress up
 And play various games to unlock more clothes/hairstyles. Amazing! I became obsessed. Continue reading →

One online identity or many?

I’ll never forget my first experience of deceit on the Internet. It was so distressing that it still gets mentioned in my family today (to mock me I might add). I was 12, and my friend had told me about a website where you create an account to have your very own ‘doll’, which you name, dress up
 And play various games to unlock more clothes/hairstyles. Amazing! I became obsessed. Continue reading →

Multiple Online Identities – How concerned should you be about your privacy?

The web is a useful communication tool, both for making connections and maintaining existing ones. However, as with anything, there is a balance between publicity and privacy that every user should try to maintain. Online profiles can be a great way to update contacts and make connections, both professionally and personally. The benefits of having multiple online profiles is that you can choose to set up how different people perceive you and what content they can see. Continue reading →

Multiple Online Identities – How concerned should you be about your privacy?

The web is a useful communication tool, both for making connections and maintaining existing ones. However, as with anything, there is a balance between publicity and privacy that every user should try to maintain. Online profiles can be a great way to update contacts and make connections, both professionally and personally. The benefits of having multiple online profiles is that you can choose to set up how different people perceive you and what content they can see. Continue reading →

Online Personas: should you wear many masks online?

As the internet first became a place to hang out, having a pseudonym while you operated online was fairly commonplace. No way would you want to have your online handle associated to your real identity. Then social media became a thing. Suddenly there was this large incentive to start forging yourself a persistent online identity. Companies helped to […] The post Online Personas: should you wear many masks online? appeared first on Russell Kingsfield. Continue reading →

pros and cons of multiple online identities

Cyberspace is huge. Not even huge, it’s massive: a never ending black hole of everything and anything you could ever imagine. So it comes as no surprise that people sometimes have more than one online identity. In this post, I will focus on the pros and cons of having multiple identities and personas online. (photo – google images) Today, authentic identities tend to be the base of our social media interactions. Continue reading →

Online Identity: One or more?

Our digital identity develops alongside our digital footprint as we engage with online spaces. Nowadays, occupying more than one online identity is extremely common. I will be discussing the arguments for and against, using my own examples, in order to shed some light on the topic. The first advantage of having more than one online identity stems from Costa and Torres’ (2011) idea that multiple online identities increase our reachability. Continue reading →

Online identities: ‘yes, dog, you can have a profile – so long as you maintain it ethically.’

This pertinent debate links very naturally to the previous topic: digital literacy and approach towards web usage are fundamental issues in addressing the ethics, maintenance, and dangers of online identity. The arguments for having multiple identities focus on both personal and mass benefit to users. Aleks Krotoski suggested in The Guardian that psychologists advocate the freedom to explore various characters online as a means of exploring your own ‘identity’. Continue reading →