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Topic 2 2015, Page 3

One person, multiple identities – the pros and cons of having multiple online identities

When considering the advantages and disadvantages of having multiple identities, I believe it’s necessary to consider what we actually use the internet for. As I discussed last week, a digital visitor may primarily use the internet for shopping or online banking and thus may not feel the need to have multiple accounts across social media. But that’s not to say they don’t have an online identity. Continue reading →

The Digital Masked Ball

Picture taken from: Digital Identity is an often overlooked concept by people today. Yet it is becoming more and more significant as the internet evolves. Cristina Costa and Ricardo Torres (2011) discuss this in their article. They note two phases of E-learning. The first phase is where users are quite passive in their learning experience merely accessing and consuming resources available. Continue reading →

The Multiple Online Identity Debate Explained

This is Sir Ragglesworth, fondly known as RAG Bear. He’s SUSU RAG’s mascot and for the last 2 years, RAG (or Raise and Give, the student fundraising organisation at the university) has been using Sir Ragglesworth’s Facebook (and even Tinder) page to promote fundraising events. Mark Zuckerberg, as Krotoski tells us in her article, is cracking down on profiles without a flesh and blood owner, and RAG Bear has been one of the casualties. Continue reading →

Online or Offline?

Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity. An online identity is a sum of characteristics that a person may not always be able to control. According to The Internet Society we create partial identities which we use to build individual personas to represent ourselves online; there is no limit to how many you can have. This blog post will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of having more than one online identity. Continue reading →


In real life, there aren’t many situations where it is useful to be anonymous, (Vronay, 2014) but online, anonymity gives you the freedom to express yourself or parts of yourself without exposure. Jeff Jarvis criticises multiple online identities whilst acknowledging there is a place for anonymity referring to corporate whistle-blowers and Chinese dissidents (Jarvis, 2011) however, he doesn’t consider other vulnerable individuals, or inequality. Continue reading →