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The Second Year of an Electronic Engineering student is synonymous with slow torture

The Second Year of an Electronic Engineering student is synonymous with slow torture(that you somewhat enjoy!). After all, we have just begun our second week and already, the work has been heaped upon us. Last year, after we were forced to become code-breaking experts to be employed in WW1 (the type of encoding we were tackling was popular then); I thought that I could finally bid adieu to my worst nemesis - Programming. Continue reading →

Freshers Week Come Around Already

So freshers' week has come around already; after what seems like an incredibly short summer, we are thrown straight back (with full force!) into uni life. It is very interesting how different this summer, after my second year here, has been when compared to last summer and the summer before. Summer 2009 I'm going to be totally honest; the summer I had before I came to university was pretty awful. Continue reading →

The Best Student Paper Award

The Best Student Paper Award What’s up every-buddy! I have good news to tell you regarding my research. I won the “Best Student Paper Award” at “The European Conference on Data Mining (ECDM'11)”, July 2011, Rome Italy. Well, that shows the top quality research being carried out at ECS and of course the motivation(s) I have towards the research.... :) Apart from attending the conference, I had a good chance to visit Rome. Continue reading →

Summer Holiday

Summer holiday One of the benefits of spending the summer holiday in Southampton is that one gets to see how the University is outside the academic year. It also gives one an opportunity to experience the “British Summer”, with this year’s said to be the coldest in 30 years; talk about summer indeed. Obviously, the campus is less busy and it takes much less time to buy things at the union shop and susu cafe as the queues are shorter and consist of more staff than students at times. Continue reading →

The end (nearly) of a special summer

The end (nearly) of a special summer Last time I posted I was approaching the end of week five of six of my summer placement in Japan. Now I have been back home for just over two weeks so I can fill you in on the rest of my time there and reflect on what an awesome experience it was. If the first five weeks were great, the final was simply phenomenal (albeit tinged with sadness that I’d soon be leaving). Continue reading →

My Tokyo Summer Placement

A special summer こんにちは皆さん! Hello everyone and welcome to this very special edition of my blog, brought to you from 6000 miles away in Japan! The Japanese at the start means “Hello everyone”, by the way. So, what am I doing here? Well, to answer this question you must cast your mind back (or at least move your scroll bar down!) to the end of last year, when I had a string of interviews for summer placements. Continue reading →

First Year is Over

Hi all. My first year is over, in fact, it has been over for a while now. But I couldn’t avoid taking my mind out off ECS for a while. I must admit that even if it is supposed to be the easiest one, year one knew how to stress me out from time to time. Anyhow, I am happy to announce that I have not failed any module and I do not have to re-sit any exams. Therefore, I am half-way through my four-month summer vacation worrying about nothing. Continue reading →

I’ve finally started my year-long work placement at IBM

I've finally started my year-long work placement at IBM, and my life's had such a change in format it could easily flesh out a moderately large essay so I'll do my best to summarise everything that's happened here. Firstly (can't remember if I mentioned this whole process before), I had to go to apply online - an extremely long, boring and complicated trek involving copious amounts of personal data entry and various IQ-style tests. Continue reading →