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University of Southampton Life, Page 6

Deadlines Have This Amazing Effect

Deadlines It's quite amazing the effect deadlines have on students. I am pretty sure STACS (this is the helpdesk in the Zepler Computer labs) can attest to the increased traffic both on the computer networks and in human movement during coursework/project deadlines. The effect could even be more striking or significant (or even hilarious depending on how you look at it) when different modules for some strange reasons happen to have coinciding deadlines. Continue reading →

Spring Term Is Coming To An End

Spring term is coming to an end which almost marks the end of my first year of university life here. A lot has been going on in the last six months from the very first day I stepped onto this land. I still remember the day when I walked out of Heathrow Airport, the excitement building up in me was so intense that almost instantly, the fatigue due to the 13 hours-long flight journey was completely gone. Culture shock? Not really. I guess it's just a different living style. Continue reading →

Checking the Weather Has Become My Daily Routine

It’s been a long time since I last updated my blog post here. After staying in UK for about half a year, I have to say I started to miss the radiant sunlight back in Malaysia. Being born in a tropical country and having been living there for almost 20 years, I used to wonder incredulously why tourists visiting my home country love the sunlight so much. It makes no sense to me till recently I realized that I was beginning to miss the weather back in Malaysia. Continue reading →

What Can I Say, I am a Mac User

Just a quick thought: The b-method is cool, nice, clean, simple, fairly easy to understand and it does make sense. The level of discrete maths to be applied in it is not to0 hard, at least yet. It's roughly set theory, functions and relations so far. Happy about it. I have a variety of feelings about my advanced programming module. C is interesting, although it can be hard to write correctly. Continue reading →

68 days and counting

68 days and counting No update last week as the project was put to one side in order to prepare for a presentation and grammar test in French. A language module is 16 weeks long and counts as a double module. This means that it runs up until the 4th week of the second semester. The final two assessments count to the remaining 20% of the mark. A good result in both would give me a first-class mark overall, so naturally it made sense to prioritise. Continue reading →

Sad to See The End of Frebruary

I'm not going to lie, there's a part of me that is very sad to see this February end. We were pretty much straight into the second semester after the exams (with at least a few days to get our body clocks back in order (or rather ignore this opportunity to do so and just go out instead)). This did not, however, stop us from enjoying at least a couple of weeks without a deadline or an exam to worry about [1]. Continue reading →

In life procrastination never really gets you that far

In life procrastination never really gets you that far. That’s a bit of a lie because you can get far. It just takes twice as long! Semester 1 of my first year is over and I can only say it’s been an enjoyable, albeit a stressful experience. Firstly, writing is not my forte and hence I’ll probably keep my first blog short! I think I’ll start on the joys of the self-taught maths. Continue reading →

Last semester was, like, totally the worst thing ever

Last semester was, like, totally the worst thing ever. I turned up to maybe less than half of the lectures, was consistency working right up the deadline, leaving revision right til the last second and, I dunno, just generally being what Mr. T would describe as a 'fool'. To ensure this never ever happens again I've made a few life changes. First and foremost (and I know this sounds unlikely) I've decided to do coursework as soon as it's set. Crazy I know. Continue reading →

Where did semester one go?

Where did semester one go? Without wishing to resort to cliché, time has genuinely flown by. My friends and tutor group are so familiar now, it feels as if I’ve known them for years… it’s so strange to think I’ve known them for less than four months! JumpStart (programme for ECS students during freshers’ week) is now just a hazy memory in a brain that’s being rapidly filled up. Continue reading →

Began Making Real Progress with the Prototype

Ethically sound In the immortal words of Professor Farnsworth: "Good news, everybody...": yep, Ethics approval got given for my questionnaire and it is now out in the wild. So the natural progression has been to get anyone and everyone to fill it in. If I haven't got around to ask you yet, it can be found here. Some people in the computer world appreciate getting Slashdotted. In ECS, one can get Joyced. What is Joyced? The term (coined by Samuel Weston esq. Continue reading →