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Electronics and Computer Science, Page 9

The Presentation Was a Relief To Complete

It has been an interesting couple of weeks which have just followed the Christmas break. The lectures have generally been in a relaxed style, but there has been a noticeable tension with the approach of exams. Thrown into the mix have been the remaining Maths module tests, which form the Engineering Mathematics for Computer Science coursework, and a presentation to make on the viability of Open Source software. Continue reading →

Its All Go. Job, Exams and Coursework

Okay, it's 00:34, and I've just finished revising for a module test tomorrow. Suddenly the nice slow paced start to life at university has sped up to a run, and things are starting to take off. I've got a job (that was advertised through an email to ECS students), and I've just applied for another job as well. Exams are just around the corner, and coursework marks from last term are imminent. Continue reading →

Time Flies

Next week will be the last week of term before the Christmas Break. It's amazing how fast the time has flown by and also how much seems to have been packed into such a short space of time. I'm looking forward to digging deeper into a few of the forthcoming subjects. Last Friday, I attended a lecture on Computer Systems and Applications where a brief overview of AI was presented. Continue reading →

MSc experiences at ECS

MSc experiences at ECS "You must answer this question": You will probably be wondering what this sentence has to do with my introduction. Well it is the sentence I say to everyone who complains about the difficulty of my name: "Mustansar" ‘Must-Ansar’ (Pronounced Must Answer). More frankly you can call me 'Musi', my nickname, and my friends call me by this name. I have been here in ECS for the last year. Continue reading →

Sports at Southampton

It’s been a while since I last posted a blog, but the amount of work set in the second year, even from the start of the first semester, has meant that there have been other distractions (although admittedly, not all of them are work related). Looking back on my last few blogs, I’ve realised that my workload around the end of the second semester of my first year was not too bad at all, really, and that I should have saved some of my moaning for this semester. Continue reading →

MSc Kickstart Programme

Hey guys, I am back!!!! I am very sorry that I am being very lazy. To be honest, the reason for this laziness was mainly study. Well, I said mainly because I don?t want to blame my extra-curricular activities :) First, let's discuss exams. Second Semester exams were good. I started my preparation early and by the examination week, I was pretty much confident. So, the exams went very well and I was flying high when the results were announced. No my dear friend. Continue reading →

IET Ambition and Achievement Awards

Money is a major issue when it comes to university, but there are opportunities available to get support from companies and other organisations. I applied for a scholarship from the IET which initially entailed copious form-filling and writing many UCAS-style personal statements. After a few months I was fortunate to find I was one of the 20 selected to attend interview from an initial batch of around 400. The interview was tough but I was happy with how it went. I’d just have to wait and see. Continue reading →

Careers, Mountbatten and Freebies!

I’ve just experienced firsthand how valued ECS students really are. I visited the University’s IT, Science and Engineering Careers Fair and you only have to say you’re studying Electro… - and they’re falling over themselves to promote their particular companies and careers options. They then all asked what year I was in and I somewhat sheepishly replied, “First”, assuming that they would no longer be interested, but I was wrong. Continue reading →

Im Finally a University Student

Hello, world! (or should that be System.out.println("Hello, world!");) It's only in writing this blog, that it's finally hit me that I'm a university student!? I know this may seem strange.. I've shopped for myself and cooked for myself, done my own laundry, gone to lectures, done lab work.. The list goes on, but still, it's only now that I've realized that I'm a real university student. Continue reading →

Network Issues over Christmas

OK, I know it's been absolutely AGES since I've last updated this. Two months and a bit. It's a disgrace, I know and I'm terribly sorry. I've been busy. I was probably busy doing stuff other than work, but nonetheless, faffing is still an activity :P At least we've got loads more bloggers to fill in the gap this time around. I can't believe how much the ECS student blogging community has grown and they're writing some pretty good stuff as well. Continue reading →