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2016, Page 11

Mab4g1412 2016-03-11 14:27:57

What do you  immediately think of when you hear the term ‘online professional profile’ ? Sites like LinkedIn & AboutMe , right. You wouldn’t  be wrong, LinkedIn currently operates as the world’s largest professional network [1], boasting almost 500 million online users worldwide. Today we are going to discuss how an authentic online professional profile can be developed. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Building a professional digital profile

Getting Linked-In As looking for my placement for next year, I started to look for advertised vacancies early on, at the beggining of this academic year, which included building up a professional LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn, a business oriented social networking platform, has developed itself to that exclusive position where, if talking about social media in business environment, LinkedIn is the first thought coming to our minds. Continue reading →

Topic 3: How can you develop an authentic online professional profile?

Why is building an authentic online professional profile important? With 73% of recruiters admitting to have hired a candidate through social media and 93% of recruiters admitting that they review a candidate’s social media profile before making a hiring decision, it is evident that there is huge importance placed on your online professional profile (Job Vite 2014). With this in mind, it is crucial that I use my online profiles as an asset that can be used to improve my employability. Continue reading →

How to build a professional digital profile?

The explosion of online social media has no doubt affected how we communicate with our friends and family, but how has it affected recruitment? A paper by Nigel Wright Recruitment offers a detailed overview of how social media has transformed recruitment, from a mostly passive activity (posting job openings in newspapers, online job boards, etc) to one that is more active, and actually involves finding and approaching good looking candidates through platforms such as social media sites. Continue reading →

Building a Professional Digital Profile

Having a well put-together professional profile can greatly increase your chances of attracting future employers, and give you a major competitive edge when competing for a job. Whether it be a LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, or a blog, there are many ways of expressing your professional side online. It can be a great tool for portraying your areas of expertise, accomplishments, capabilities and goals. It is used by employers to determine past and present educations, jobs and other experiences. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Building a professional digital profile

Please read these notes and check out the links, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussion, which we all then develop over the next two weeks through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. It is intended to give you a flavour of the challenges and opportunities in managing your professional online identity, and get you started on answering the Topic 3 set question below. Continue reading →

Topic 2: A reflective summary

This topic was interesting as there are many opinions & examples of the pros & cons of multiple identities. I often have different identities when it comes to the name of my online profiles (Eg Miss CEO) however my reasons contrast the assumptions that are made about this. As explained in my comment on Kemi’s blog, my name is often easy to find in a single search because it is so rare. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Online identity Reflection

I believe the topic of Online identity was one I could fully understand and relate too because of my frequent use of social media. It has also has become a very current topic due to the employability issues related to online identity. After reviewing the pros and cons of whether to have multiple online identities or just one, I have come to the conclusion that it may be more effective, time-efficent and professional to just have the one. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 2

This week’s topic has helped me to think about online identity in ways I hadn’t before. First of all, it got me thinking about my own online identity. In my previous post, I mentioned that I have multiple online identities that could be split up into personal, very personal, and professional – and in a comment, someone asked me to elaborate on this. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Summary

It was refreshing to note that other people echoed the same sentiment as myself with regards to multiple online identities as being authentic and a single identity inauthentic. In Hannah Press‘s blog, she reinforced my initial thoughts that multiple online personas reflect everyday life in the sense that we alter elements of our personalities to be appropriate for the situations that we find ourselves in. Continue reading →

Reflection on “Managing Your Online Identity”

I was proposed with the topic of managing your online identity and asked to discuss the arguments for and against having more than one. I have always been an avid user of many social media websites, however the thought never occurred to me that I might be portraying different identities on each unconsciously. Therefore, I really enjoyed reading more into the subject and reading other people’s perspectives. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

This week’s topic presented another wide range of interesting and insightful posts and it was great again to see what things different people talked about in relation to the topic of online identity. ‘Online identity’ covers such a wide range of things that it was difficult to talk about it all in such a small amount of words, something that others such as Shriya discussed too in her reflection of this topic. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Topic 2

On the topic of managing online identities, I feel that I had a basic grasp on the subject to begin with. As I have been a regular user of several different types of social media, I have plenty of partial identities myself, and this basic knowledge gave me a good starting point to help me broaden my horizons. Ellie’s comment brings about some interesting points that made me think a little more about the topic. Continue reading →