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Topic 5 – Reflections and Lessons Learnt :)

When I was firstly presented with the topic of (OA) Open-Access, my initial inklings were that when information is made freely accessible by the content creator to the public; it can only be a positive thing! [1] (See Figure 1 below). 1: Open-Access (Benefits) However, Becca’s posting was initially responsible in opening my outlook towards the contrary; in regard to the enormous publication fees these content creators are expected to fork-out to make their material ‘open-access’! [2]. Continue reading →

Topic 4 – Ethical issues raised by educational/business use of social media

The UK has recently broken into the top 10 of countries worldwide with the largest number of internet-connected users, with a higher percentage of online users ’92.6%’ (per population) over all countries within the top 30 [1]. In this day and age internet connectivity is synonymous with facilitating probably the single biggest facet of the internet; Social-Media ! (See Figure 1).  Figure 1: 2016 worldwide Social Media Statistics Social-Media comes in various forms e.g. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflective Summary

Upon viewing this week’s topic question I was pleasantly surprised; as the creation and development of my personal online profile, was something I’d always put off. The resource links provided by both Lisa & Sarah [1], gave me a much needed introductory insight into this vast topic. Which alongside, my own research really pushed me to actually create my very FIRST online professional profiles! [See 1(LinkedIn) +2 (About-Me) below]. Continue reading →

Mab4g1412 2016-03-11 14:27:57

What do you  immediately think of when you hear the term ‘online professional profile’ ? Sites like LinkedIn & AboutMe , right. You wouldn’t  be wrong, LinkedIn currently operates as the world’s largest professional network [1], boasting almost 500 million online users worldwide. Today we are going to discuss how an authentic online professional profile can be developed. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflection

Our first topic of discussion as the class of #UOSM2008 ‘16, was the newly-formed, intriguing and controversial digital residents & visitors concept! The topic is directly related to each and every one of us in respect of our online-usage; however, it’s not one I’ve truly contemplated on before! We were being examined on our ability to explain the concept and its relevance to our own online experiences. Continue reading →