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Becoming emmamartensson96

If I’m 100% honest, I chose to sign up to UOSM2008 living and working on the web because I didn’t want my assessment to be an exam, and this module didn’t have one. I had no idea how invested I would become in my blog and the module itself. I feel like I really developed as a professional and I think that my online profiles grew with me. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflection

As my dissertation slowly creeps closer and closer, open access is a very current issue for me. Having just completed and submitted my research proposal, I can now speak first hand about how irritating it is to come across an article and then find that if I want to read it i have to pay an outrageous price. I feel that I really put a lot of effort into this weeks post and experimented with several medias to support my claims. Continue reading →

Open Access

For many years, getting access to exclusive scientific research was an expensive and difficult thing to do. Not only was it expensive, but once you paid that outrageous price, whether it was relevant or not was also an issue. With the the ever-improving and developing technology, open access has become a popular way to easily publish your work. Open access is scientific and technological information that is available to all. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflection

This past week has really opened my eyes to a topic that I had never really thought much of before; the digital divide. Due to the fact that we have such easy access to the online world, thinking about how someone doesn’t is hard to wrap your head around. Why is it not the same everywhere? I feel that I have learned quite a bit from this topic, as the above statement was my state of mind before I looked into this subject. Continue reading →

In the minority

As technology has been growing rapidly throughout the decades, it’s inevitable that the slower paced markets, such as those that are found in less developed countries may be a bit behind on keeping up with these changes. Through the years a division has arisen between two very different worlds and created a type of digital divide that sets the two even more apart. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

I think that this topic has been particularly useful to me, as well as my fellow UOSM2008 students. Currently being an undergraduate with a year in industry, puts me straight into the job pool filled with other people just like me, and this makes it hard to differentiate yourself. Having a strong online professional profile can really give you a competitive advantage when you’re in the running for a potential job. Continue reading →

Building a Professional Digital Profile

Having a well put-together professional profile can greatly increase your chances of attracting future employers, and give you a major competitive edge when competing for a job. Whether it be a LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, or a blog, there are many ways of expressing your professional side online. It can be a great tool for portraying your areas of expertise, accomplishments, capabilities and goals. It is used by employers to determine past and present educations, jobs and other experiences. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Topic 2

On the topic of managing online identities, I feel that I had a basic grasp on the subject to begin with. As I have been a regular user of several different types of social media, I have plenty of partial identities myself, and this basic knowledge gave me a good starting point to help me broaden my horizons. Ellie’s comment brings about some interesting points that made me think a little more about the topic. Continue reading →

Should I Build Another ‘Me’ Online?

Your identity is the main way you represent yourself when interacting with others, and it is what make you unique. However, there is a difference between your real-life identity and an online identity you might have.   Firstly, let’s just clarify what online identity actually is. Your online identity, also known as Internet identity (IID), is the group of characteristics and social identity that a user creates when interacting with online communities. Continue reading →

Digital ‘Residents’ and ‘Visitors’

There are two different types of people when it comes to the web, people who are familiar with the online world, and people who aren’t. These people and referred to as ‘residents’ or ‘visitors’, respectively.   Prensky’s Typology Prensky created a theory surrounding the expertise that different age groups have in the digital world, classifying people either as a ‘native’ or an ‘immigrant’. Continue reading →