Module Tutors


Nic Fair is a member of the University of Southampton Web Science Institute and Southampton Education School. He has been teaching adult learners in a wide range of contexts for over sixteen years. He has  a degree in History, a PGCE in Adult Education, an MA in Applied Linguistics, an MSc in Web Science and is close to completing his PhD. He has also spent time working with the Cabinet Office’s Open Innovation Team. His research area is Personal Learning Networks.

Please contact: / / @nic_fair

Manuel León is a Lecturer in Online Learning and Teaching with around 15 years of teaching experience, and nearly 5 years of experience in online learning. Manuel has participated in a considerable number online learning projects, mainly around MOOCs, Continuous Professional Development courses, and blended learning modules. His research interests are learning analytics and professional development for teaching online, about which he has around 30 publications. 

Please contact: / @mleonurr 

Briony Gray is a researcher in the final year of her PhD in ECS. She studies a combination of Geography and Web Science in the field of disaster management. She also works part time for large European Open Data projects and initiatives that support startups and new businesses.

Please contact:








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