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IT Innovation

It's been a month since I've started working at IT Innovation, where as I mentioned in my last post, I got the job. It's a lovely ride up there each day (weather-permitting). I have been assigned to the WeGov Project as that is the one I expressed most interest in at my interview. In a nutshell, I get paid to use Facebook and Twitter. Of course, this is an overly-simplistic summary. My real work is in delving deep into social networking APIs and topic-opinion analysis. Continue reading →

Undergraduate of the Year Awards Ceremony

As I have mentioned in a couple of my previous blogs, I have been involved in the search to find the First Year of the Year in the Undergraduate of the Year Awards. Last time I wrote about it a couple of months ago I was through to the final 10 and now fast forward and it was time to find out the results. The pressure was most definitely off a bit thanks to knowing I’d already won the Royal Academy of Engineering Advanced Leadership Award, but still I was really looking forward to this. Continue reading →

Playing with emerging web technologies

During the last week I've been playing with some of the emerging Web technologies that aim to make the Internet a more interesting place over the next few years. I've just finished redesigning my ECS Web site with HTML5 and a little bit of clever CSS, partly to see what can be achieved in a modern browser and partly to see if I could build a really simple content management system (CMS) in PHP without using a database or a web-based front-end. Continue reading →

Job Interviews

Job Interviews It has been pretty busy round here lately. There's the usual overcrowding problem in the labs as everyone tries to print their dissertations and theses at the same time, lots of last-minute coursework submissions and the beginnings of exam preparation. Then there are the interviews, screening processes and assessment days all curiously scheduled to conflict with the major university deadlines. Continue reading →

Exams II

Exams II To imply that this is a direct sequel[1] to the last blog post would not be technically accurate. It is more of a loose connection since this is the post-exam blog post, while the previous one was a pre-exam blog post. But there's no need to be pedantic.[3] I guess what I should be saying is: "Exams are over, hurrah." Yes, it is true, the examinations are over. Continue reading →

Weather Improvement!

Hi everyone! Finally the weather has improved. The bright sunshine has spread all over, with some colourful flowers and lush green grass making it more beautiful. Had a very nice time back home during easter, also had a taste of flight delays due to volcanic eruption but it was fun, getting 10 more days to spend with friends and family. It has been three weeks since I came back. It was a very sweet welcome by the busy schedule of labs and courseworks that I missed due to the delay. Continue reading →

Exams – Its That Time Again

Exams (1) Is it that time again?[1] Examinations are the bane of the course. A sheet of paper containing questions that we do not know, and we have to be prepared for almost every possibility[2]. But that's almost constant for any form of academic training, whether down to Java Certification[3], all the way up to the last examinations of General Certificates of Education, and of course, university. Continue reading →

Very, Very Busy, Coursework Left, Right and Center

I'm still here ... but only just. It's absolutely crazy here at the moment. There's been coursework left, right and center, and also revision for exams. Couple that with joining the Events crew, and a few-too-many nights spent discussing paintball or server patching, and everything else that's going on, and you end up with a very tired student. I've decided to take a few minutes out to write something here, and then it'll be back to work. Continue reading →