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2016, Page 9

Reflection on “Building a Professional Digital Profile”

Not yet having a professional digital profile, personally this was a very useful and eye opening topic. I am currently on the search for an industrial placement for next year thus, the guidelines I have gained from my own research, and from the reading of other people’s posts, have given me the confidence to create my own authentic LinkedIn profile. Sam’s views agreed with mine that LinkedIn is now the prime website for creating a professional digital profile. Continue reading →

Reflective statement : Topic 3

  Source: How do people can increase their employability prospects on the web is a puzzling question. Today, statistics show that the question is not if social media can help us secure a job, because the answer will clearly be affirmative, it is rather how can I create a strong online professional presence. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

I think that this topic has been particularly useful to me, as well as my fellow UOSM2008 students. Currently being an undergraduate with a year in industry, puts me straight into the job pool filled with other people just like me, and this makes it hard to differentiate yourself. Having a strong online professional profile can really give you a competitive advantage when you’re in the running for a potential job. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflective Summary

Upon viewing this week’s topic question I was pleasantly surprised; as the creation and development of my personal online profile, was something I’d always put off. The resource links provided by both Lisa & Sarah [1], gave me a much needed introductory insight into this vast topic. Which alongside, my own research really pushed me to actually create my very FIRST online professional profiles! [See 1(LinkedIn) +2 (About-Me) below]. Continue reading →

Reflecting on “How to build a professional digital profile?”

Last week I wrote about how you can build a professional online profile, and after reading some other interesting blog posts and discussing ideas with people I’ve learnt even more! In Ellie’s blog post, she included some interesting statistics on the popularity of different social networking sites for employers which I found surprising (Facebook and Twitter were much closer to LinkedIn than I was expecting) and encouraged me to do some of my own research on this topic for my blog... Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

Through my own research and by reading many peoples blog posts (especially: Holly’s, Rofini’s and Stuart’s) I have learnt that your online profile is very wide ranging and has a major impact upon your job prospects. The main thing I learnt is to brand yourself as companies do as this is a great base to develop your profile further. Also my infographic sums up the key steps to a good LinkedIn profile. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Building an Authentic Professional Digital Profile

Topic 3 has definitely been the most challenging so far! Becca’s exploration of online shaming steered away from Justine Sacco and instead she included a TED Talks video exploring the concept. This allowed me to learn more in an engaging format, something which I mentioned in my comment. Shriya’s post explored the importance of building a personal brand and its role in creating an authentic digital profile. Continue reading →

Topic 3. Summary

After having done some research, we all agreed that there are a few compulsory activities for a person who seriously thinks about creating their own online brand. These are: presence on LinkedIn (a leading network site, according to research), blogging, being active on professional networks or community websites (such as Stack Overflow for programmists, mentioned by Clayton). That’s what my state of knowledge was when I was writing my topic 3 post. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

This week, I took an academic approach to my blog post. I looked at studies and various journal articles that looked into what it truly means to have an authentic online professional profile. I then found it beneficial to read and comment on the blogs of my peers, and receive comments from my peers on my own post, whom took less of an academic approach. Continue reading →

Topic 3 Reflection

This topic was particularly useful for someone like myself who is currently on the hunt for my ideal placement One of the main things I learnt from reading Stuart’s blog is that LinkedIn is not the only social media resource we can use to build a professional online profile. When conducting my job search I had never considered that there was any other platform that I could use.  Like Stuart I am hoping to use the advice I’ve learnt from this topic to boost my LinkedIn profile. Continue reading →

TOPIC 3: Reflection

This has been a really interesting topic for me because it’s one that I can relate a lot too, like Topic 2, as I approach the end of my final year of university and enter the employment world. Most of us agreed that some form of personal branding was key to creating an authentic profile. Even though many recognised that LinkedIn was the top social employability site, many like me, also acknowledged that personal branding could be done through multiple platforms, for example Tom and Stuart. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

This week saw the group writing about how one may create an authentic online profile; something we are constantly told we should do. With university-days coming to a near end for most of us, the most important thing on our minds is what we do next? In the constant search for employment post-uni having a professional-looking, authentic online profile is invaluable and may really help in securing a good job after. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

After initially believing that this topic would be all about LinkedIn, I would like to officially admit defeat! I showcased a variety of social platforms on offer to those wishing to develop an online professional profile in my original post. Miss CEO also mentioned trends in recruitment as something to look out for suggesting we tailor the platforms that we use to what is popular among employers. Continue reading →

Topic 3 reflection

This week we have been asked to write about the different ways of building up a professional online profile with paying attention to make it authentic. Before this task, I felt quite saisfied with my online presence so far, as I have managed to build up quite a high quality LinkedIn profile earlier, and I was benefitting from it already. I also have Facebook, Instagram and now (thanks to this module) a Twitter account, and I think my online identity is quite authentic. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 3

Photo credits. Building a professional online profile may not help me directly but it has it’s benefits… Topic 3 has come to a close and I have gained from this experience. Building an online “professional” profile was not something I expected could help me; I am lucky enough to have a job guaranteed for me at the end of my degree. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflective Summary

There were some really interesting discussions which I was involved in for this week’s topic. Both Stuart’s and Vicky’s came across the same arguments as I did in my blog. These were mainly that social media can be a great asset to job seekers and to employers in the employment process if it is used correctly and well. Continue reading →