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Why are we waiting?

Still waiting for the exam results and module marks from last semester, they should be available by the end of this week or beginning of next one. It's always torture having to wait for marks that could make such a difference. Even though I have been offered a place by CMU, they require that my final results be of an acceptable nature, so I can't rest quite yet :) Project is coming along nicely. Continue reading →

#6 – Christmas Holidays

#6 - Christmas Holidays Hooray, Christmas holidays! finally some time off - these last few weeks have been insane. I've had 6 pieces of coursework since about the second week of term, all due in over the last four. But now, I am (mostly) free! I have two pieces of coursework due after Christmas, but both are group pieces that are pretty hard to get done individually, so other than revision for the 6 exams I have, I have most of this time off. Yay! I love my job at the Union bars. Continue reading →

#5 – Back to Uni!

#5 - Back to Uni! So, I've just started back at uni. Second year promises to be insanely hard, but it should be good fun. I'm happy that I get to see all my friends again, and it means I finally have something to do! Woohoo. I've been so bored these last few months. Finding a summer job is impossibly difficult, but, and here's some pretty big news, I actually have a freaking job! Woohoo! I'm working as a Barman in the Student Union. Continue reading →

OpenChatter Project

OpenChatter Project Sometimes progress on a project can stagnate, leaving the end result as a load of odd bits of code that don't quite work when put together. This is especially true of group work where the aim is to integrate disparate technologies and there is no clear group leader. I finished such a project in January for the scripting languages course. Continue reading →

ECS Helpdesk

I am now a proud member of ECS Helpdesk. It was a tough battle to get there... I had to submit a decent CV and convince them at the interview I was the man for the job. Blood was spilt and tears were wept (there were loads of applicants), but I managed it! I'll be working for a probationary period on Fridays for just 2 hours. So nothing too demanding. My forte in this position will be solving problems in NetBeans and Eclipse. Continue reading →

Undergraduate of the Year Awards

Undergraduate of the Year Awards The last two weeks couldn’t have been more different than the previous three if they’d tried. Out is the non-stop pressure and tedium of exam revision, in, an exciting new timetable of modules and a bit of spare time for societies to kick off properly again. As a result I’ve probably been even busier than before exams, although rather than spending all day cooped up in my room at home working I’ve hardly spent any time there at all. Continue reading →


I had exams, and they stopped me blogging. No, really, they were not easy, and it's not A-level style papers all over again. Other than a few mishaps, which I will skip over for the sake of not going into a rant, I'm pretty confident I at least passed the exams. So that was two weeks of the past three. What else? Oh yes, Multiplayer Tetris! While mucking about in the labs after my last exam, I started, with a little help from Jack and his Python knowledge, to write Multiplayer Tetris. Continue reading →

Applying for MSc’s

A few months back I mentioned that I have been applying to do an MSc at a few US universities. I applied for a few really good ones with the hopes that I might be able to convince them that I would be worthy of one such place. Never had I imagined that my truly long shot, Carnegie Mellon, would offer me a spot. Don't get me wrong, it's been a hard and long process, and it's been tough balancing how much time I spent preparing for next year vs concentrating on my current degree. Continue reading →

Many opportunities all at once

Many opportunities all at once It is funny how when the mind is consistently focussed on what it wants, an endless stream of opportunities seems to materialise from nowhere. This effect has been described as the law of attraction in various online circles and takes a different form depending on who describes it. The gist of it seems to be that the ideas you hold on to intently gradually become self-fulfilling prophecies. I've been thinking about how to get my own business up and running. Continue reading →