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Third Year.

I left second year thinking that the levels of stress could not possibly get worse. After all, I had fewer lectures, the freedom to dictate the course of my work, and of course, no group projects. I think I may have forgotten that I am Yusra Hussain; stress always finds me. I think it aids my productivity, though! Year 3 brought with it many, many things. Continue reading →

Final Post

I will not pretend that this last year has been a bed of roses. Having been given a torrid time of it would be a much better description. A combination of outside pressures and some initial academic injustices put me in the position in questioning why I was still here. However, life is not about the battles you choose to fight, but rather it is about those battles that you have no choice other than to fight them. Continue reading →

2011 so far – Part 1

2011 so far - Part 1 It may be becoming somewhat of a cliché, but what a year it has been so far. Such a busy and exciting year it has been that I’ve not made time to write a blog about it yet. Oops! Sorry about that. But fear not, with a few weeks rest now, in between exams finishing and the start of work for the summer, I’m finally able to give you an update on all the exciting things I’ve been up to. January started off with Semester 1 exams. Continue reading →

My attitude has definitely been better this semester

Looking at my last post is interesting. My attitude has definitely been better this semester (and I know this because I'm not nearly as stressed) but there is no doubt that it has not improved as much as I'd have liked it to. Despite what seems to be some kind of apathy complex, I've pushed myself to lighten up, get back in touch with people, and work (to some extent). The second half of this year feels like it's taken forever. Continue reading →

Sad to See The End of Frebruary

I'm not going to lie, there's a part of me that is very sad to see this February end. We were pretty much straight into the second semester after the exams (with at least a few days to get our body clocks back in order (or rather ignore this opportunity to do so and just go out instead)). This did not, however, stop us from enjoying at least a couple of weeks without a deadline or an exam to worry about [1]. Continue reading →


Resuming where we left off The second year, so far, has been interesting. A cliche, but true. First, I must take a slightly more serious tone than the whimsical one that I normally use. The past couple of months have been quite difficult for myself. The stress of coming back to university, a troubling personal development, and mental health issues have all conspired to do generically evil and mean things. Continue reading →

The End of the Semester Hit Me Quite Hard

Well, back after a long time away from the blog. Why? Holidays and exams. The end of the semester hit me quite hard, I went on holidays planning on revising for the exams and doing coursework, and truth is I tried, but it didn’t happen. Therefore, by the time I got back everything was on top of me. Luckily it worked out quite well, I ate, drank and breathed books and Java and finally got through it. Continue reading →