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Single vs multiple online identities?

We might think of the web as a space, a cyberspace whereby different individuals have online personas, which constantly grow; each time we create new accounts, we add to our online identities (Costa and Torre, 2011). But what is our online identity? Click my video below to find out more about online identity! (Created on Biteable, 2018; Costa and Torre, 2011).  As mentioned within my video, we can have single or multiple online identities which determine how and what we use the web for. Continue reading →

Who Are You Online?

The development of social media sometimes makes it hard to distinguish between your professional and personal life. And the idea of avoiding social media all together nowadays is unrealistic and potentially disadvantageous to an individual. Definitions of professional and personal profiles: Info-graphic created by me giving succinct definitions of professional and personal profiles. Continue reading →

Who Are You Online?

The development of social media sometimes makes it hard to distinguish between your professional and personal life. And the idea of avoiding social media all together nowadays is unrealistic and potentially disadvantageous to an individual. Definitions of professional and personal profiles: Info-graphic created by me giving succinct definitions of professional and personal profiles. Continue reading →

Who Are You Online?

The development of social media sometimes makes it hard to distinguish between your professional and personal life. And the idea of avoiding social media all together nowadays is unrealistic and potentially disadvantageous to an individual. Definitions of professional and personal profiles: Info-graphic created by me giving succinct definitions of professional and personal profiles. Continue reading →

Who Are You Online?

The development of social media sometimes makes it hard to distinguish between your professional and personal life. And the idea of avoiding social media all together nowadays is unrealistic and potentially disadvantageous to an individual. Definitions of professional and personal profiles: Info-graphic created by me giving succinct definitions of professional and personal profiles. Continue reading →

Who Are You Online?

The development of social media sometimes makes it hard to distinguish between your professional and personal life. And the idea of avoiding social media all together nowadays is unrealistic and potentially disadvantageous to an individual. Definitions of professional and personal profiles: Info-graphic created by me giving succinct definitions of professional and personal profiles. Continue reading →

Single Identity vs Multiple Identities – what’s best for you?

Copyright the New Yorker Collection 1993. Peter Steiner From All rights reserved. Since the New Yorker published their now-famous cartoon in 1993 (Fleishman, 2000) the idea that no one knows who you are online has “run and run and run” (Cavna, 2013). Cartoonist Peter Steiner’s take on online identity marked the start of a debate between a single online identity or multiple. Continue reading →

One Person, Two Identities.

Self-Presentation VS Self-Promotion Social media offers us the possibilities to self express, present and promote ourselves. However, to what extent we choose to enhance these dimensions often depends on what our end goal and ambitions our. Dijck (2013) best describes this in analysing the variation of self-expression seen between Facebook and LinkedIn. Dijck (2013 pp.199) explains this difference falls between the two social medias cites interface. Continue reading →

Accessing the MOOC steps (after Easter)

The MOOC is officially closed. You will be offered the chance to gain access by upgrading (at a cost). Do NOT do this. Instead, we have made many (but not all) of the steps available to you. You need to use the step url as contained in the excel file below. learning-network-age-4_links If a step number is not on the list it means that step is unavailable. Let me know if you have any problems. Continue reading →

Assessing the Web: Reflection

I found this week’s topic very interesting as I feel like all of us have been affected by fake news or clickbait at some point in our life. I was surprised to find that from August 2016 till the election day on 8th of November 2016 the total Facebook engagement for fake news was greater in comparison to the mainstream news by 1.4 million. Which made me question whether Facebook is doing anything to combat the spread of fake news. Continue reading →

Assessing the Web: Reflection

I found this week’s topic very interesting as I feel like all of us have been affected by fake news or clickbait at some point in our life. I was surprised to find that from August 2016 till the election day on 8th of November 2016 the total Facebook engagement for fake news was greater in comparison to the mainstream news by 1.4 million. Which made me question whether Facebook is doing anything to combat the spread of fake news. Continue reading →

Assessing the Web: Reflection

I found this week’s topic very interesting as I feel like all of us have been affected by fake news or clickbait at some point in our life. I was surprised to find that from August 2016 till the election day on 8th of November 2016 the total Facebook engagement for fake news was greater in comparison to the mainstream news by 1.4 million. Which made me question whether Facebook is doing anything to combat the spread of fake news. Continue reading →

Assessing the Web: Reflection

I found this week’s topic very interesting as I feel like we all of us have been affected by fake news or clickbait at some point in our life. I was surprised to find that from August 2016 till the election day on 8th of November 2016 the total Facebook engagement for fake news was greater in comparison to the mainstream news by 1.4 million. Which made me question whether Facebook is doing anything to combat the spread of fake news. Continue reading →

Reflection Topic 2 – ‘Fake News’: Who is responsible?

My initial stance regarding the problem of fake news was slanted towards placing all responsibility on the individual for assessing whether information online is false or not. However reading Luke’s comment allowed me to reflect on just how impractical it is for the average reader to critically assess each article or story they read to judge its validity, due to the amount of time it would take. Continue reading →

Reflection on Fake News

Credit: Snopes Coming into a topic about ‘fake news’ I thought it was a chance for me to educate, as I considered myself adept in identifying fake news. However, over the course of this topic, I learnt a lot. I had discussed with friends that artificial intelligence could be a solution to fake news. However, over this topic I sided with the view that artificial intelligence couldn’t safely create a solution in the foreseeable future. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Fake News

Reflecting on the topic This week’s blog post centred around us discussing and weighing up how to spot and be able to see past fake news online. From reviewing other individual’s blogs, such as Nikhita’s, it was rather interesting to see an overwhelming view from almost everyone that fake news, poor journalism, and pushed propaganda was a real issue and should be pushed to the forefront of education. Continue reading →