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Reflecting on my Identity, or Both of Them?

The Influence of Others I found the topic this week really interesting, I especially enjoyed reading other peoples blogs as I quickly came to realise that everyone was approaching the topic differently. Where as I focused on the difference between self presentation and self promotion (Dijck (2013), and the positives and negatives of multiple and single identities. Continue reading →

One Person, Two Identities.

Self-Presentation VS Self-Promotion Social media offers us the possibilities to self express, present and promote ourselves. However, to what extent we choose to enhance these dimensions often depends on what our end goal and ambitions our. Dijck (2013) best describes this in analysing the variation of self-expression seen between Facebook and LinkedIn. Dijck (2013 pp.199) explains this difference falls between the two social medias cites interface. Continue reading →

Making Movements- Topic 2 Reflection

Time to apply; This week I really put in the effort to apply myself to the course and blog creation, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone by making a YouTube video, and improved my current knowledge by using different sites to create info-graphics! But did I achieve what I set out to do from the last blogs reflection? I achieved all the things I wanted to from my previous reflection, and it has definitely improved my blog, as the evidence suggests; Statistics of my most recent posts; this... Continue reading →

The President trumps ‘Fake News’

Literacy, Literacy and more Literacy Growing our online network is an extremely important method in increasing our possibilities and abilities. The smaller it is, so will your opportunities to learn, socialise, professionalise etc. Part of growing our networks is done by understanding and learning the following literacy’s something many argue should be considered a right. Continue reading →

The (developed) World Wide Web.

Shocking, isn’t it? This week has been a very significant week for me, not only have I learnt a lot about a subject I was completely unaware of, through reading through other peoples blogs, and their comments on mine, I believe that I can significantly improve my blogs in the upcoming weeks. How I am going to improve next week: When reading other peoples blogs this week, I noticed these three things were lacking in mine. Continue reading →

Digital Differences; How Do I Use The Web?

Prior to undertaking UOSM2008, I was completely unaware of the mass inequality and difference that shrouds the internet. Last week I began by understanding the division through generations: However through my research this week, there is increasing evidence to suggest other variations to how we perceive, interact and experience our digital lives. This new form of inequality, is referred to as ‘The Digital Divide’. Continue reading →

Digital Differences; How Do I Use The Web?

Prior to undertaking UOSM2008, I was completely unaware of the mass inequality and difference that shrouds the internet. Last week I began by understanding the division through generations: However through my research this week, there is increasing evidence to suggest other variations to how we perceive, interact and experience our digital lives. This new form of inequality, is referred to as ‘The Digital Divide’. Continue reading →

Digital Differences; How Do I Use The Web?

Prior to undertaking UOSM2008, I was completely unaware of the mass inequality and difference that shrouds the internet. Last week I began by understanding the division through generations: However through my research this week, there is increasing evidence to suggest other variations to how we perceive, interact and experience our digital lives. This new form of inequality, is referred to as ‘The Digital Divide’. Continue reading →

Reflecting On My First Blog Post

Writing my first blog post, I quickly realised that it was going to be extremely difficult to put all the information I had gathered through research in to the minuscule 300 word limit. On top of this I really wanted my post to be as engaging, and aesthetically pleasing, and not just a page with 300 words. This is where info-graphics became extremely useful, it allowed me to give a detailed summary of what Prensky Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives meant, and what David S. Continue reading →

Reflecting On My First Blog Post

Writing my first blog post, I quickly realised that it was going to be extremely difficult to put all the information I had gathered through research in to the minuscule 300 word limit. On top of this I really wanted my post to be as engaging, and aesthetically pleasing, and not just a page with 300 words. This is where info-graphics became extremely useful, it allowed me to give a detailed summary of what Prensky Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives meant, and what David S. Continue reading →

Reflecting On My First Blog Post

Writing my first blog post, I quickly realised that it was going to be extremely difficult to put all the information I had gathered through research in to the minuscule 300 word limit. On top of this I really wanted my post to be as engaging, and aesthetically pleasing, and not just a page with 300 words. This is where info-graphics became extremely useful, it allowed me to give a detailed summary of what Prensky Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives meant, and what David S. Continue reading →

Intro Topic: Digital Visitors and Digital Residents

Digital visitors and Digital residents is a further development of Prenksy’s original theory of digital natives and digital immigrants. Prensky set to make a distinction between people who are completely at ease with technology and the digital world and those who actively work and know how to use the internet but will never be fully competent. This became an extremely influential theory, which until recently gained widespread acceptance. Continue reading →

Intro Topic: Digital Visitors and Digital Residents

Digital visitors and Digital residents is a further development of Prenksy’s original theory of digital natives and digital immigrants. Prensky set to make a distinction between people who are completely at ease with technology and the digital world and those who actively work and know how to use the internet but will never be fully competent. This became an extremely influential theory, which until recently gained widespread acceptance. Continue reading →

Intro Topic: Digital Visitors and Digital Residents

Digital visitors and Digital residents is a further development of Prenksy’s original theory of digital natives and digital immigrants. Prensky set to make a distinction between people who are completely at ease with technology and the digital world and those who actively work and know how to use the internet but will never be fully competent. This became an extremely influential theory, which until recently gained widespread acceptance. Continue reading →