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Reflecting on Fake News

Reflecting on the topic This week’s blog post centred around us discussing and weighing up how to spot and be able to see past fake news online. From reviewing other individual’s blogs, such as Nikhita’s, it was rather interesting to see an overwhelming view from almost everyone that fake news, poor journalism, and pushed propaganda was a real issue and should be pushed to the forefront of education. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Fake News

Reflecting on the topic This week’s blog post centred around us discussing and weighing up how to spot and be able to see past fake news online. From reviewing other individual’s blogs, such as Nikhita’s, it was rather interesting to see an overwhelming view from almost everyone that fake news, poor journalism, and pushed propaganda was a real issue and should be pushed to the forefront of education. Continue reading →

Fake News – Reflection

Due to a large number of comments on my blog this week I will not be able to show all discussions I had, instead I will choose a few comments and display what I learnt from them. While I had heard about fake news , I did not realise the prevalence of it online until researching for this topic. By reading other’s blogs and reflecting upon my own, I have further learnt about its severity, and how to combat it. Continue reading →

Fake News – Reflection

Due to a large number of comments on my blog this week I will not be able to show all discussions I had, instead I will choose a few comments and display what I learnt from them. While I had heard about fake news , I did not realise the prevalence of it online until researching for this topic. By reading other’s blogs and reflecting upon my own, I have further learnt about its severity, and how to combat it. Continue reading →

Fake News – Reflection

Due to a large number of comments on my blog this week I will not be able to show all discussions, instead I will choose a few comments and display what I learnt from them.   While I had heard about fake news , I did not realise the prevalence of it online until researching for this topic. By reading other’s blogs and reflecting upon my own, I have further learnt about its severity, and how to combat it. Continue reading →

Fake news reflection

The most recent topic was not something I had not heard of. Although ‘Fake news’ as a phrase is widely known, I had not realised the extent of the problem. The topic goes further than clickbait and Donald trump. Although I knew that fake news could affect the way people perceive and interact with politics, I had not realised the effect it could have after reading many of the peers discuss this in their blogs. Continue reading →

Making Movements- Topic 2 Reflection

Time to apply; This week I really put in the effort to apply myself to the course and blog creation, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone by making a YouTube video, and improved my current knowledge by using different sites to create info-graphics! But did I achieve what I set out to do from the last blogs reflection? I achieved all the things I wanted to from my previous reflection, and it has definitely improved my blog, as the evidence suggests; Statistics of my most recent posts; this... Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Looking back at my last blog, I learned that our personal learning networks can be restricted due to digital differences. This week, I have been able to further develop my understanding of online learning as I researched and evaluated the reliability of online sources. I came across various concepts such as ‘filter bubbles’ and ‘echo chambers’ and the damaging impact of ‘fake news’, which I illustrate and discuss in my Topic 2 blog. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Looking back at my last blog, I learned that our personal learning networks can be restricted due to digital differences. This week, I have been able to further develop my understanding of online learning as I researched and evaluated the reliability of online sources. I came across various concepts such as ‘filter bubbles’ and ‘echo chambers’ and the damaging impact of ‘fake news’, which I illustrate and discuss in my Topic 2 blog. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Looking back at my last blog, I learned that our personal learning networks can be restricted due to digital differences. This week, I have been able to further develop my understanding of online learning as I researched and evaluated the reliability of online sources. I came across various concepts such as ‘filter bubbles’ and ‘echo chambers’ and the damaging impact of ‘fake news’, which I illustrate and discuss in my Topic 2 blog. Continue reading →

Topic 2 Reflection – The need for digital literacy.

Introduction This topic was not new knowledge to me, however, the extent to what fake news, filter bubbles and echo chambers are part of our lives was not expected. It was interesting to focus in on filter bubbles and how they influence people and politics (Hern, 2017). Peer Learning Figure 1 – Learning from Chloe’s, Sinead’s and Nikhita’s blog posts Nikhita and I got into a discussion about who is responsible for limiting the fake news publicised. Continue reading →

Topic 2 Reflection – The need for digital literacy.

Introduction This topic was not new knowledge to me, however, the extent to what fake news, filter bubbles and echo chambers are part of our lives was not expected. It was interesting to focus in on filter bubbles and how they influence people and politics (Hern, 2017). Peer Learning Figure 1 – Learning from Chloe’s, Sinead’s and Nikhita’s blog posts Nikhita and I got into a discussion about who is responsible for limiting the fake news publicised. Continue reading →

Topic 2 Reflection – The need for digital literacy.

Introduction This topic was not new knowledge to me, however, the extent to what fake news, filter bubbles and echo chambers are part of our lives was not expected. It was interesting to focus in on filter bubbles and how they influence people and politics (Hern, 2017). Peer Learning Figure 1 – Learning from Chloe’s, Sinead’s and Nikhita’s blog posts Nikhita and I got into a discussion about who is responsible for limiting the fake news publicised. Continue reading →

Topic 2 Reflection – The need for digital literacy.

Introduction This topic was not new knowledge to me, however, the extent to what fake news, filter bubbles and echo chambers are part of our lives was not expected. It was interesting to focus in on filter bubbles and how they influence people and politics (Hern, 2017). Peer Learning Figure 1 – Learning from Chloe’s, Sinead’s and Nikhita’s blog posts Nikhita and I got into a discussion about who is responsible for limiting the fake news publicised. Continue reading →

Reflection: What have I learnt

Fake News  This week’s learning about how to accurately assess sources, so that we are not being fed incorrect information, has been a real eye opener for me. I didn’t take in to understanding the effect that the presence of fake news would have on different aspects of a population. Chloe assessed the impacts on the health of the population in her infograph. This led me to learn about the  increase in fake news can drown out expert opinions and could result in the spread of disease. Continue reading →

Reflection: What have I learnt

Fake News  This week’s learning about how to accurately assess sources, so that we are not being fed incorrect information, has been a real eye opener for me. I didn’t take in to understanding the effect that the presence of fake news would have on different aspects of a population. Chloe assessed the impacts on the health of the population in her infograph. This led me to learn about the  increase in fake news can drown out expert opinions and could result in the spread of disease. Continue reading →

Notes and starter sources for Topic 3 – Working on the Web

Task - Compare and contrast the benefits/drawbacks of having a single online identity versus multiple personal/professional online identities. To help prepare your work, you should check out the materials in the  #FLlearningnetworks MOOC section 2.6 and engage with other learners in the discussions there. BUT, the MOOC is currently closed. However, the next run will begin again on 16th April 2018. You should join that run to regain access for the following 4 weeks. Continue reading →