Reflecting on Online Identities

Source by Phoebe Taylor made on Piktochart As an active social media user and soon to be unemployed graduate, analysing the benefits and drawbacks of online identities has proved to be very important for my future. From my post, I developed an understanding of the difference between single and multiple identities, concluding that multiple identities are more beneficial in present day. However, my conclusion slightly altered after reading my peers’ posts. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Online Identities

Source by Phoebe Taylor made on Piktochart As an active social media user and soon to be a job-hunting graduate, analysing the benefits and drawbacks of online identities has proved to be very important for my future. From my post, I developed an understanding of the difference between single and multiple identities, concluding that multiple identities are more beneficial in present day. However, my conclusion slightly altered after reading my peers’ posts. Continue reading →

Single Identity Vs Multiple Online Identities

Peter Steiner’s cartoon illustration, Fleishman (2000) When the web started out, it was easy to be anonymous online (as shown in Steiners‘ cartoon). But as our dependence and use of the web increases, so has the importance of how we present ourselves online. Individuals must now carefully consider how they identify themselves, as online identities are becoming an extension of our personal lives (Costa and Torres, 2011).  Slideshow by Phoebe Taylor, uploaded via Slideshare. Continue reading →

Don’t believe everything you read

The internet has become an essential tool for information. However, the vast quantity of information available and our heavy reliance on this has produced issues surrounding the quality, authenticity and credibility of information (Metzger, 2007). Whilst the web has granted us access to a diversity of opinions, it has also created a space for insulated like-minded individuals to come together (Alcott and Gentzkow, 2017). Continue reading →

The end of the road
.or is it?

The time has come for me to reflect on my uosm2008 journey. In order to facilitate my critical reflection, I will employ Gibbs (1988)’s reflective cycle model. This is broken down into the following phases: Created by Filipek (2018) on Canva The reason I picked this strategy for this reflection is that perhaps the road never comes to an end…I don’t think I’ll let this experience be a one-off, and I’ll certainly be blogging and learning again. Continue reading →

The end of the road
.or is it?

The time has come for me to reflect on my uosm2008 journey. In order to facilitate my critical reflection, I will employ Gibbs (1988)’s reflective cycle model. This is broken down into the following phases: Created by Filipek (2018) on Canva The reason I picked this strategy for this reflection is that perhaps the road never comes to an end…I don’t think I’ll let this experience be a one-off, and I’ll certainly be blogging and learning again. Continue reading →

My Final Reflection

This post marks the end of the journey that was UOSM2008: Living and Working on the Web. The unorthodox way of learning wasn’t something I thought I would initially enjoy or find beneficial. Additionally, I did not think writing blogs would be something I would like but this whole experience has been one that is both very eye-opening and grossly valuable to myself. Continue reading →

It’s been a great journey, farewell UOSM2008!

According to Gibbs (1988), the act of having an experience is not adequate on its own. It is imperative that individuals process their thoughts and feelings because without reflecting there is the potential to forget (Gibbs, 1988).  Therefore, reflection plays a critical part in the learning experience (Gibbs, 1988). My journey throughout the UOSM2008 module has been thought-provoking, beneficial and educative. Continue reading →

The Quieter You Are, The More You Are Able To Hear

“Our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” (Don Williams Jr. 1968) A common adage that is unhelpful at best, and incredibly irritating at worst, yet true nonetheless, particularly when the destination doesn’t exist in the typical sense. Sometimes setting goals for ourselves is easy and we have measurable achievements, but sometimes we undergo a process with no well defined endpoint: Learning. Continue reading →

Unlock the digital society: And it will go on.

Summer is approaching, meaning that another chapter of my academic life, which involves UOSM2008, has come to an end. It was full of surprises, challenges and valuable knowledge. To have a systematic reflection on this journey, I decided to adopt Gibbs’ strategy (1988). How I met this module? (Describe) The Internet world is a paradox – it is transparent as everything is made visible to your eyes, yet it keeps the mysteries in every corner. Continue reading →

It’s Only The Begginning: Final Reflection

It was like walking a path of internet enlightenment, completing this module. Learning in the Networked Age was something I looked forward to every week. It taught me something new right till the very end, like about various strategies of critical evaluation. I chose to go with Gibb’s reflective cycle.(, 2018) DESCRIPTION: WHAT HAPPENED? I chose this Module as it was relevant to today’s time and seemed an ingenious method of learning. Continue reading →

Reflecting on my time on UOSM2008

The journey on this module has been a positive one, I have learned new skills, acquired new knowledge and developed my time management. Throughout this post I shall be looking back on the time spent over this semester and discussing what I have learnt and how I have developed. Why did I choose this module? I initially chose this module as I wanted to experience a different way of learning, learn more about the online world and develop my skills. Continue reading →

Reflecting on my time on UOSM2008

The journey on this module has been a positive one, I have learned new skills, acquired new knowledge and developed my time management. Throughout this post I shall be looking back on the time spent over this semester and discussing what I have learnt and how I have developed. Why did I choose this module? I initially chose this module as I wanted to experience a different way of learning, learn more about the online world and develop my skills. Continue reading →

Reflecting on my time on UOSM2008

The journey on this module has been a positive one, I have learned new skills, acquired new knowledge and developed my time management. Throughout this post I shall be looking back on the time spent over this semester and discussing what I have learnt and how I have developed. Why did I choose this module? I initially chose this module as I wanted to experience a different way of learning, learn more about the online world and develop my skills. Continue reading →

Reflecting on my time on UOSM2008

The journey on this module has been a positive one, I have learned new skills, acquired new knowledge and developed my time management. Throughout this post I shall be looking back on the time spent over this semester and discussing what I have learnt and how I have developed. Why did I choose this module? I initially chose this module as I wanted to experience a different way of learning, learn more about the online world and develop my skills. Continue reading →

Goodbye UOSM2008, Hello blogging. Final Reflection

UOSM2008 has been a module like no other, learning was focused on the interactions with the online world, whilst gaining new skills and writing in a blog-style. To critically reflect on this module, I will adapt Smyth’s (1989) ‘Reflect on Action’ method to critically evaluate and reflect this journey. Describe What have I done throughout the module? This module was unique in the fact there were no lectures, no exams. The method of assessment was through a regular blog on different topics. Continue reading →

Reflection on being part of a Construction

Introduction Figure 1: Reflecting on being part of a construction I completed the UOSM2008: Living and Working on the Web module. This module was very different from other modules I have completed, offering a greater level of freedom in my work, and less face-to-face contact time than other modules. Whilst some of the content overlapped with other modules, particularly those I completed in which were core to Web Science. Continue reading →