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Unlock the digital society: And it will go on.

Summer is approaching, meaning that another chapter of my academic life, which involves UOSM2008, has come to an end. It was full of surprises, challenges and valuable knowledge. To have a systematic reflection on this journey, I decided to adopt Gibbs’ strategy (1988). How I met this module? (Describe) The Internet world is a paradox – it is transparent as everything is made visible to your eyes, yet it keeps the mysteries in every corner. Continue reading →

Identity in the digital society: a never-ending story.

  Do we all need to create multiple online identities? Since the growing number of incidents like Justine Sacco’s tweet and the data breach scandal from Cambridge Analytica, it was no surprise to see many posts favoured the use of multiple/anonymous online identities.  Additionally, it was interesting to see many of us took different approaches to analyse single and multiple online identities (as shown in the graph below). Continue reading →

Thousand (online) Faces.

  With the boom of social media, a digital society is made. An increased number of people are using various social media platforms to stay connected to their families and friends, as well as to establish networks with colleagues and business partners. This is when a question comes into the scene: How many online identities should one have? Online persona(s): one or many?   Stay anon An alternative is to stay anonymous. Continue reading →

Outside my filter bubble

This week topic once again emphasised the importance of obtaining evaluating skills that allow us to stay safe on the Internet. Having read others’ blogs about fake news, we all have very similar measures to assess the reliability of information. Furthermore, I have learnt that reliability of a source should not be determined solely on presented information but also on the data being used. By taking part of Futurelearn course, I came across how different visualisation of a dataset (Yua, n.d. Continue reading →

Don’t just read this headline!

From the previous post on Digital Differences, we have seen how internet access could help narrow the social gap by increasing people’s access to information. At the same time, the adaptation of Internet and the growth of social media see an alarming spread of false or misled information. Hence, it is important to obtain the skill to identify reliable sources of information. Think twice Whenever you come across an article, think of this checklist. Continue reading →

Learning from the differences.

Blogging skills overview This week I have grown more comfortable using online design tools and commenting on others’ posts. While writing about “digital differences”… Facts and figures continued to surprise me with the stories they can tell. Growing up surrounded by latest technology often makes me overlook digital inequalities. Research on digital differences allowed me to explore factors that shape our Internet’s access and usage. Continue reading →

Mind the (digital) gap.

Having looked at digital users, it’s now time to understand the digital “gap”. Gap, what gap? That is the gap in Internet access and engagements between individuals (also known as “Digital Differences”) (Halford and Savage, 2010). van Dijk (2013) identified 5 types of inequality: Technological, Material, Immaterial, Social and Educational. The detailed properties are elaborated in the following video:   Mind the gap. Continue reading →

Digital users: “Natives & Immigrants”, or “Visitors & Residents”?

The concept of Digital Natives & Immigrants was first introduced by Prensky’s in 2001 to distinguish between different generation’s technology engagement. However, should people’s technology competence be labelled based on their age group? Would a person in Gen Z automatically be more familiar with technology than a person of gen X? This age-based typology, though was widely accepted, has therefore received many criticisms. Continue reading →