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Coursework, Page 2

I Have Learnt A Lot Since My Last Post

Some of the things I have learnt since my last post: 1. Writing a compiler is hard (but fun). I don't know what it was, whether it was the timing of the coursework assignments, the abnormal length of the term, or just people leaving things to the last minute, but what we ended up with was one of the most difficult weeks of the term, as everyone furiously attempted to complete the coursework for the Compiler Engineering module. Continue reading →

Sad to See The End of Frebruary

I'm not going to lie, there's a part of me that is very sad to see this February end. We were pretty much straight into the second semester after the exams (with at least a few days to get our body clocks back in order (or rather ignore this opportunity to do so and just go out instead)). This did not, however, stop us from enjoying at least a couple of weeks without a deadline or an exam to worry about [1]. Continue reading →

And Breathe

And breathe. This semester has been an absolute test of sanity and friendships. I admit it has also been more eventful than it really needed to be, which didn't help much to be honest, however, it's a good skill to be able to focus on your work regardless if you can do it. First the sanity; the workload this year has been quite high. We had loads of coursework (eleven I think) and then you're also expected to do extra reading around the subject and have time to do paid-work. Continue reading →

The Weather is Getting Colder

Hello, my dear readers! Happy to see you all again! The weather is getting colder, but my life as an ECS student keeps my world warm and bright. Hopefully this blog is helpful and it could convey some warmth to you.:) Modules I have 7 modules in the first semester, four of which will have final exams in January. They are Circuit Theory, Logic Circuit Design, Solid State Electronics and Self-study Math. Continue reading →

Very, Very Busy, Coursework Left, Right and Center

I'm still here ... but only just. It's absolutely crazy here at the moment. There's been coursework left, right and center, and also revision for exams. Couple that with joining the Events crew, and a few-too-many nights spent discussing paintball or server patching, and everything else that's going on, and you end up with a very tired student. I've decided to take a few minutes out to write something here, and then it'll be back to work. Continue reading →

Distributed Coursework to Deal With

After "forcing" multiple friends to proof-read my report, it reached a stage where I deemed it "fit for purpose" and handed it in. What a relief! Now I have the distributed (COMP3019) coursework to deal closely followed by the viva and the important end-of-degree exams. These next few weeks are going to be crazy, but before I know it will be all over. Got my appointment at the US embassy organised. Continue reading →

Busy, busy, busy

As expected, the rest of December and January were hectic. Coursework deadlines hit hard and fast, followed by frantic exam revision. It all culminated last weekend with the final exam being the hardest. The weekend was spent, finally, getting some third year project work done. The questionnaires are going well, though I need to get a move on if I am to get a decent sample. Continue reading →