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December already…

December already ... So I sit here, just under two weeks to go until the end of term, wondering what to write. My first COMP1004 coursework was submitted on Friday, and based on Eric's response on Friday when I showed him at the end of a lecture, he was quite amused. Since the beginning of the term, Eric has been repeatedly mentioning the MIDI library in Java. I figured it was time to use it. Continue reading →

December crept up on us…

Already December! This term has just absolutely flown by. Christmas is a time to be spent with family, and I will be doing very little work over the holidays. Unfortunately, the lecturers believe this is the perfect time for courseworks. This means whatever I don't get done before the holidays, will have to be done when I get back! Going to be a rough beginning to the New Year! On another note, the modules are all going well. Continue reading →

Term is done!

Well that was quick. I know this term is only just over two months long - but it would seem that once you get started at University, you lose all sense of time. This applies to, one, being horribly late for lectures, two, coursework deadlines, three, to how long you've actually known the people around you (it seems like forever a lot of the time), and finally four, to how long you've been here. Continue reading →

Footnotes Galore

Footnotes Galore! When I was a young, moist behind the ears A-level student, examining choices for university, I looked at the website for the School of Electronics and Computer Science, and saw that there were student blogs, written for the people, by the people. People in this instance [1], meaning students. So, I will quickly write what my past self [2] wanted to know. Computer Science is a broad subject with multiple different areas. Continue reading →

Writer’s Block?

Iā€™ve finally decided that ā€œwriterā€™s blockā€ is a pretty lame excuse and I must entertain you with my first blog entry. ;) England is treating me surprisingly well. Everyone spends at least 5 minutes a day loathing local weather but I think itā€™s not that bad. I am not a great fan of monsoon season we are experiencing for the past two weeks, but at least itā€™s warmer than back home. Continue reading →

Work Ethic

Work Ethic Now that the deadlines are starting to pile up I am able to see how my habits as a student have changed since I left for Spain in July 2008. The drive and motivation to work throughout the day is not something that had come naturally to me before that, but having worked 9 - 6 in an office for more than a year, now I just feel lazy if I'm not constantly doing something. Continue reading →

As a Computer Scientist you Spend Time Fixing Other Peoples Computers

There is something special about being the house's computer scientist. You spend a lot of time fiddling with networks and trying to fix other peoples' computers. Fortunately the tools to properly diagnose and repair computers are very good these days. Unfortunately most manufacturers think that a recovery CD costs too much to bother including in the package, so they half-heartedly provide hidden partitions and the like that don't help one iota when there is a hardware failure. Continue reading →

Writing a Novel You Will Need a Rack of Swords

Someone, somewhere is trying to kill me. I am quite convinced of this fact, to the point of installing a rack of swords next to my bed (more on that later) and chanting prayers to minor gods as I moved between lectures. Unfortunately, I suspect all this effort may well be in vain, as the person trying to kill me will almost certainly turn out to beā€¦ Me. Like snow in a Russian winter, the problem isn't one of impact, but accumulation. Lectures and supporting work? No problem. Continue reading →

Actually Finished a Lab

The focus of my third year project is coming along, though I am getting worried about the scope. Spent most of today researching the relevant topics, and putting the finishing touches on my ethics comittee application for a questionnaire I intend to run to gather requirements for my 3YP. Had the second of two graphics labs on Wednesday, I was much more comfortable with it this time around as I knew what to expect. Continue reading →