- Maximising the Renewable Gas Potential from Small Scale Biogas, Dublin – 3rd October 2017. This briefing seminar at Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre is aimed at farmers, advisors, researchers as well as energy policy and decision makers and will address the challenges related to the economic and environmental sustainability of biogas production and utilisation. See: www.eventbrite.ie/e/maximising-the-renewable-gas-potential-from-small-scale-biogas-tickets-37874535756
- 11th European Wastewater Management Conference & Exhibition, Leeds – 3/4th October 2017. See: http://ewwmconference.com/
- ADBA Northern Ireland Conference, Belfast – 5th October 2017. See: http://adbioresources.org/events/northern-ireland-national-conference/.
- BioProNET 4th annual science meeting, Warwick – 10/11th October 2017. See: http://biopronetuk.org/category/events/
- LBNet sandpit workshop: “UK BioChem 10″, York – 18/19th October 2017. See: https://lb-net.net/save-the-date-next-lbnet-sandpit-workshop-uk-biochem-10-18-19-october-2017/
- HVCfP: Annual Meeting, Manchester – 19th October 2017. See: https://hvcfp.net/events/annual-meeting-2017/
- Biovale Focus on Feedstock, York – 1st November 2017. A half-day workshop to discuss the issues around AD feedstock: how to get your feedstock right and what to do when you get it wrong. Talks, Q&A and ‘ask the expert’. See: www.biovale.org/news-and-events/events/ .
- REA/ORG Event – Understanding PAS110 in Full, Reading – 2nd November 2017. See: www.r-e-a.net/events .
- C1net Conference 3, Nottingham – 5/7th November 2017. This is the third C1net conference, and focuses on chemical production from C1 gases by gas fermentation. See: http://www.c1net.co.uk/Events.html
- INNOVATE UK, NEC, Birmingham – 8/9th November 2017. Innovation event. See: http://www.innovate2017.gov.uk/
- REA Biogas Meeting with policy focus, London – 7th November, 2017. See: http://www.biogas.org.uk/events/rea-biogas-meeting-with-policy-focus
- REA AD Biology Day, Solihull – 14th November 2017. See: www.r-e-a.net/events
- Future of Biogas Europe 2017, London – 15/16th November 2017. See: http://www.wplgroup.com/aci/event/future-biogas-europe/
- European Biosolids & Organic Resources Conference & Exhibition, Leeds – 20/21st November 2017. See: http://european-biosolids.com/
- CBMNet Event: Factories for advanced biomanufacturing, Sheffield – 6/7th December 2017. FREE event on microbial chassis engineering and those interested in improving the robustness of whole-cell biocatalysts. See: http://cbmnetnibb.group.shef.ac.uk/events/ .
- ADBA National Conference, London – 7th December. See: http://adbioresources.org/events/?/events
- REA: Biomethane as a Transport fuel, London – 14th December 2017. See: www.r-e-a.net/events
- BioProNET: Molecular chaperones: structure, function and application in bioprocessing, Kent, 20th December 2017. See: http://biopronetuk.org/category/events/
- C1net Metabolic Modelling Workshop 4, Nottingham, 15/19th January 2018. See: http://www.c1net.co.uk/Events.html
- EBA Conference, Antwerp – 24/26th January 2018. See: http://european-biogas.eu/events/eba-conference/
- Energy Storage & Connected Systems 2018, London – 6/7th February 2018. See: www.energystorageconnectedsystems.com/About/
- Recent breakthroughs and new perspectives of protein aggregation: measuring, predicting and controlling protein aggregation, Manchester -13th February 2017. See: http://biopronetuk.org/category/events/
- CBMNet sponsored : ‘The artificial cell: biology-inspired compartmentalisation of chemical function‘, Buckinghamshire – 26-27th February 2018. See: https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2018/02/artificial-cell/
- CBMNet sponsored: Microbial Stress, Ireland – 23/25th April 2018, IRELAND, UK. Event details available at: http://www.efb-central.org/index.php/microbial_stress/.
- The Supergen Bioenergy Hub is consulting on a wide variety of subject areas for the Supergen Bioenergy Hub. For details and registration, see: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/supergen-bioenergy-hub-consultation-14937732265