AD Publications of Interest

The World Biogas Association provide access to a range of information ranging from current market reports to “A critical review of the VFA/TA (FOS/TAC) method”. See: .

Keep up to date with a host of recent AD publications from the Research Group at Southampton University via their BORRG page. See:

Who’s who. An overview of the state of AD research across Europe unsurprisingly highlights Germany as the lead for papers whilst the Technical University of Denmark stands out as the highest publishing institution. But how did the UK fare…

Technology overview of biogas production in anaerobic digestion plants: A European evaluation of research and development. Rafaela Lora Grando, et al.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80: 44-53. See: .

Integration of Power to Methane in a waste water treatment plant – A feasibility study. Tim Patterson, University of South Wales et al. Bioresource Technology 245(A): 1049-1057 – December 2017. See: .

Biological methanation of CO2 in a novel biofilm plug-flow reactor: A high rate and low parasitic energy process. Savvas Savvas, University of South Wales et al. Applied Energy 202:238-247 – September 2017. See: .

A critical review of integration analysis of microbial electrosynthesis (MES) systems with waste biorefineries for the production of biofuel and chemical from reuse of CO2. Jhuma Sadhukhana, University of Surrey et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56: 116-132 – April 2016

Advances towards understanding and engineering direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion. Sajib Barua and Bipro Ranjan Dhar, University of Alberta. Bioresource Technology 244: 698-707-November 2017

Bioeconomy Developments in EU Regions Mapping Study Published

The European Commission has published an independent mapping study of EU regional research and innovation plans and strategies for the bioeconomy.

Amongst other conclusions as a result of the study, it is suggested that:

  • A common definition or classification for the bioeconomy be established.
  • Better and more synergies between structural funds and Horizon 2020 are presented.
  • Public awareness and acceptance of the bioeconomy should be raised.

The study is available here.


Getting from greenhouse gas to microbial biomass

Science can now turn thin air into biomass – or, more specifically, turn greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) which are emitted as waste products of current energy production activities into biomass. This paper describes a process that captures methane from natural gas and biogas and uses photosynthesis to convert it into biomass feedstock. The energy-rich carbon is not dispersed into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas, but converted to useful products. Read more here.

Tender for Industrial Biotechnology Landscape Report Provision (by 20 Jan 17 at 1200 hrs)

BBSRC, with support from EPSRC, have committed ÂŁ18M to fund 13 unique collaborative networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (BBSRC NIBB). The BBSRC NIBB foster collaborations between academia, industry, policy makers and NGOs in order to find new approaches to tackle research challenges, translate research and deliver key benefits in Industrial Biotechnology (IB). Each network has a particular focus area, mainly within the UK, but with interest to build international links. These multidisciplinary networks will drive new ideas to harness the potential of biological resources for producing and processing materials, biopharmaceuticals, chemicals and energy.

Four NIBBs (CBMNet, BIOCATNET, C1Net and P2P) are commissioning this project with the aim of mapping the strengths of the entire UK Industrial Biotechnology sector. The focus of the project should be on research and development through to commercialisation with additional focus on Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4-7. The target audience for the report are UK funders and The Government.

The report will provide the following:
1. A concise, critical synopsis of the relevant reports and roadmaps assessing and analysing UK Industrial Biotechnology and BioEnergy (IBBE) (see below for a list from a previous report; the list is not exhaustive), the report should cover the last 5 years. This exercise should identify any limitations in the existing studies and not simply summarise what is already known.
2. A detailed analysis of the current UK landscape in IBBE. Mapping the key capabilities (strengths and weaknesses e.g. research, technologies, scale up technologies) across the UK IBBE sector, including research organisations and small, medium, and large companies.
3. Critical evaluation of the current state of the UK IBBE sector, including its capacity to commercialise research.
4. A benchmark assessment of the UK IBBE industry compared to that of the top performing competitors (for example USA, Canada, Brazil, Malaysia and Germany).
5. Identify UK IBBE success stories and projects that provide examples of best practise for translation of research into commercial application (Case Studies).
6. Identify IBBE areas in which the UK could have a competitive advantage in terms of inherent resources (feedstocks), infrastructure (plant and buildings), innovation (expertise), enterprise and funding systems. This should include an assessment of whether and how IBBE-related IP generated in the UK is exploited in the UK.
7. Identify and assess options for an IBBE translation framework to support future commercialisation of IBBE research in the UK. This should include an assessment of various forward looking mechansims to encourage adoption of innovative solutions by industry by removing/mitigating risk.
8. Horizon scanning to identify emerging technologies and trends that will impact on a range of sectors and drive the future of IBBE in the UK.
9. Provide an evidence-based roadmap and policy recommendations for the developing key IBBE activities in which the UK has existing strength and capacity that provide a solid and credible foundation on which to build a competitive world-class UK IBBE sector.
If you would like to tender for this report or for more information, please see

The tender reference number is 1526/DM and the closing date for responses is at 12 noon on Friday 20th January 2017. To view the tender notice and access the documents, please hover over “Tenders” and click on “Current” and from there click “View Details”, finally please click on the “Express Interest” button where, after registering to use the site, you will be able to download the relevant details. Please also be aware that all correspondence’s & tender returns should be conducted through the In-tend site.
Contact Us

For any enquiries about our network, please contact:
Dr Jen Vanderhoven
Network Manager, CBM Network
+44 (0) 114 2229766
University of Sheffield, E100 Addison Building, Firth Court, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN

C1 Network Produces report on gas fermentation

C1 Net commissioned E4Tech to produce a report entitled “The commercial and strategic opportunity offered by gas fermentation in the UK”. The report notes that there are pre commercial plants operating in China, Taiwan, the USA and Japan, but that the UK is well positioned to take advantage of the technology because of its strong capabilities in gas fermentation, coupled with research strengths in microbiology, synthetic biology and process engineering.

The report can be downloaded here and C1 Net are happy to see as wide a distribution as possible.


International Energy Agency report on small scale anaerobic digestion released

Task 37 of the International Energy Agency has just published a report entitled ‘Exploring the viability of small scale anaerobic digesters in livestock farming’ written by AD Network member Dr Clare Lukehurst, OBE and AD Network co-manager Angela Bywater.

The report explores the viability of small scale anaerobic digestion for livestock farming where there is a need to deal with animal manure and slurry in a manner that minimises the emission of greenhouse gases. Dairy farming for example, is dominated by small herds of animals, the slurry from which must be managed efficiently for the farm and to maintain high standards of health. AD is an acknowledged technology for farming operations that
affords a high standard of manure management, the production of high quality biofertiliser and also the possibility of generating energy for own use as well as export.
The report is aimed at farmers, as well as energy policy and decision makers and can be downloaded from the IEA Task 37 website here.

SCOPE Bioenergy and Sustainability Report and Policy Brief

The above document, launched at the EU Sustainable Energy Week earlier this year, is available to download here:

More than 100 experts from 24 countries contirbuted to the report, including 15 of the EU’s leading institutions. This 779 page report presents main findings and recommendations on current production, use of bioenergy and growth potential, considering such aspects as land use, feedstocks, technologies, impacts and policies.


Ligno-cellulosic feedstock in the UK

The LB Network in conjunction with the NNFCC have published a report on non foodcrop Ligno-cellulosic feedstocks in the UK which could be available to support biorefineries. This is an excellent piece of work and can be downloaded here: