Interested in AD or IB? AD Network Event Roundup

AD Network, Food Waste Network and IBioIC: Opportunities for Food By-product Valorisation, University of Strathclyde, 6 Sep 17

This event aims to engage and inform industrialists and academics on the opportunities Industrial Biotechnology presents for Scotland and the wider UK. The program should raise awareness of IB generally to those industries who have an interest in the valorisation of food waste and/or innovative uses of anaerobic digestion. See more on the AD Network website.

AD Network Research Colloquium, University of Southampton

The LCEDN annual conference, Durham University, 11/12th September

The UK Low Carbon Energy for Development Network aims to deliver a set of capacity development activities to support DFID’s Transforming Energy Access programme. See:

Free LBNet workshop (sandpit), York, 18/19th October 2017.

“UK BioChem 10”. Top bio-based chemicals for the UK: Challenges and Opportunities. Apply to attend this free workshop (sandpit) to develop concepts and teams to take on a Grand Challenge in bio-based chemicals for the UK. The aim is to bring together complimentary teams from academia and industry, and pump prime the best ideas for proof of concept studies generated at this event (up to ÂŁ50,000) to initiate work in this area and prime it for opportunities arising from the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenge. For more information visit:

Registration deadline: 8th September 2017

BioVale: Value from Unavoidable Food Waste, University of York – 21st September 2017

Breakfast meeting. Join Biovale to discuss the opportunities, barriers and latest technologies for extracting high-value products from unavoidable food waste. Learn about the latest technology to convert your waste into a revenue stream

  • hear from companies which have successfully converted their waste to value
  • discover funding to support innovation projects
  • get updated on the latest policy developments
  • make new connections with companies, policy makers makers and academics.

Speakers include: Nina Sweet (WRAP), Joe Bennett (Biorenewables Development Centre), Rob Wilson (Toast Ale). See: .

C1net Conference 3 – Chemicals from C1 Gas, Nottingham, 5-7th November 2017

This FREE two-day conference will bring together academic and industrial partners to identify and address key challenges in the study of C1gas organisms able to grow on C1 compounds and commercially exploit them for chemical manufacture.


C1net Metabolic Modelling Workshop 4, Nottingham, 15-19th January 2018

See: .

EBA Conference, Antwerp – 24/26th January 2018

“Greening Gas” is the theme of the next EBA Conference, covering the latest developments of biogas, syngas and biomethane production. More than 300 biogas representatives are expected to gather in Antwerp, at the Hilton Hotel and the Kinepolis Event Centre. EBA speakers list includes high level policy makers and representatives from leading biogas and biomethane business. Particular attention will also be paid to the theme of transport, with sessions dedicated to biomethane as a transport fuel and power-to-gas. Speakers will address all issues from a technical, economic, scientific and political perspective.

See: .

Energy Storage and Connected Systems 2018, Olympia Conference Centre, London – 6th Feb 2017

This conference will cover the leap forward in deployment of energy storage and its use including how they integrate into a broader network of connected systems including smart buildings, grids and electric vehicle infrastructure.

See: .

BBSRC Seeding Catalyst Award

The AD Network has applied for additional funds from the BBSRC Seeding Catalyst Award. If successful, they must be spent by the end of February 2018 and they are payable at 100% of direct costs. Do you have any projects which could use assistance for upscaling from research to commercial reality? If the project you have in mind can be completed, reported and invoiced within this timescale please keep abreast of developments in this area. Any Call, from this or other NIBBs, will necessarily be short notice.

PhD positions

University of Cork and Gas Networks Ireland – 2 PhD Studentships on Green Renewable Gas

Supervisor: Prof J. Murphy. Deadline: 11 Aug 17

Fully Funded. Further details here.


From: Find a PhD

Development of an Online Decision Support Tool for Hydrogen Storage in Community Renewable Energy Systems – National University of Ireland, Galway  D

Supervisor: Dr R Monaghan. Deadline: 30 Jul 17

Funded PhD Project (European/UK Students Only)

Tailored biopolymer production from waste streams: low-cost value added bioprocessing – University of Birmingham

Supervisor: Dr T Overton; Dr M Jenkins. Deadline: all year round

Self-Funded PhD Students Only

Development of advanced adsorbents for gas separation processes – Aberdeen University

Supervisor:Dr C Fernandez-Martin / Prof J Anderson Application. Deadline Applications accepted all year round

Self-Funded PhD Students Only

A framework for the development and validation of mathematical models of upstream unit operations as part of an integrated whole bioprocess modelling platform – University College London

Supervisor: Dr A Kiparissides. Deadline 28 Aug 17

Funded PhD Project (European/UK Students Only)

Call for postdoc panel members: Biosciences Skills and Careers Strategy Advisory Panel

The Bioscience Skills and Careers Strategy Advisory Panel (BSC) has received input from a Bioscience Skills and Careers Postdoctoral Researcher Subgroup since March 2013. Membership of the subgroup is currently being refreshed to ensure it continues to have the necessary skills and expertise to provide input into topics highlighted by the subgroup’s recently updated terms of reference.

BBSRC is looking to appoint eight postdocs to the subgroup. Applications are sought from postdocs working in academia, including those based in research institutions, as well as those in government laboratories or industry (Postdoc in the industrial context meaning someone with a PhD carrying out a research role, but who is not directing a research programme / who does not have significant management responsibilities) Further information can be found here: .

The deadline for applications is 7thAugust 2017.

Wish to concentrate on research? Apply for RAEng Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship

These enable engineering academics to concentrate on full-time research in any engineering discipline by relieving them of their administrative and teaching responsibilities.

 Applicants should hold a permanent teaching position at a UK university at lecturer, senior lecturer or reader level. They must be teaching an engineering discipline at undergraduate or postgraduate level.  A support fund of up to ÂŁ2,500 is also available for research costs such as travel, conference attendance, subsistence and laboratory consumables.

Closing Date: 5th Sept 2017

See: .

Funding available: EPSRC “Engineering for a Prosperous Nation”

Unique to this funding call is the double blind peer review process. This type of initiative should benefit early career academics in particular.

This initiative will look to support a portfolio of exceptional and potentially transformative engineering research projects that have the potential to contribute to each of the prosperity outcomes. This could be a pioneering first step to the broader outcome or a contribution to one or more of the ambitions within each outcome. A high degree of risk in these applications is expected and welcomed to encourage speculative ideas or new ways of thinking.

  • Up to ÂŁ6 million from theEngineering Theme will be available for this Call, subject to research quality.
  • Bright IDEAS Awards are intended to support genuinely novel and potentially transformative research activities.
  • Proposals will be assessed over a two-stage process: Outline proposals assessed anonymously, followed by a Big Pitch.
  • Applicants can apply for up to ÂŁ250K (80% value of the full costing) in total

Applications submitted to this Call should be up to 24 months in duration.

See: .

Deadline for intention to submit: 8th August 2017

Pitch Event: Chemistry and industrial biotechnology for a circular bioeconomy, 14:00, 21st September, University of York

The Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Network and BioVale are working together to deliver an opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors to gain insight and form new business relationships in sustainable technologies for a circular bio-economy. Entrepreneurs can benefit from funded training and live pitching to a panel of investors. More information is here.

Low Carbon Energy for Development Network annual event, Durham, 11-12 Sep 17

The Low Carbon Energy for Development Network delivers a number of capacity development activities to support DFID’s Transforming Energy Access Programme. They host a number of events throughout the year and their annual event will be held at Durham University on 11-12 September. Abstracts are open and more information can be found here.

AD Network Roundup of AD-related training opportunities

REA Event – Understanding and applying HACCP to anaerobic digestion, Bristol – 22nd Sept 2017

REA is running a one day course focused on HACCP planning for AD operators and developers, with focus on digestate safety and quality. This event is open to both members and non-members.

See: .

REA/ORG Event – Understanding PAS100 in Full, Reading – 1st November 2017

The Organics Recycling Group is running a one day course focused on the PAS 100 and REAL Compost Certification Scheme. The course is targeted at the composter’s personnel who are involved in the establishment implementaion, maintenance and improvement of the PAS 100 quality management system. See: .

International Intensive Biogas Training – Practical Digester Biology, Enniskillen, Northern Ireland22/24th November 2017

For the second time the Centre for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technologies (CREST) and the International Biogas and Bioenergy Center of Competence (IBBK Fachgruppe Biogas) will be running a 3-day in-depth Biogas HANDS ON Operators & Planners Course at the South West College in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. The course will be delivered by biogas experts from Germany and UK with many years of practical experience in the biogas sector.

See: .

Aqua Enviro Event: Odour management: An introduction to odour regulation, assessment and control, Aqua Enviro Training Suite, Wakefield6th Dec 2017,

This course provides delegates with a thorough understanding of how environmental odours are assessed, managed and regulated.

See: .