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Topic 4 – Give me back my pictures!

In one of my previous blog posts, I have mentioned ‘Catfish’ and how this was one of the many negatives of having multiple online identities. For those who perhaps did not see this post, the video below is a quick overview of ‘Catfish’. I think it is fair to say that ‘catfishing’ is an increasingly common issue occurring online. However, the view which is most commonly portrayed is that of the person who has been ‘catfished’. Continue reading →

It is better to be safe, than arrested.

When I was younger we would be taught ethical sayings such as “money is the route of all evil”, and you believe that this 3rd party object is what causes humans to act terribly. Now I understand that it is not money that is evil, the evil part is within human nature and the money is just an object which facilitates it; just like the internet has become a platform to facilitate negativity. The “evil” I wish to focus on is a macro online privacy issue we are all at risk to it. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Digital Divide

Digital divide is ‘the existence of gaps in society between those who use technology and those who don’t’ (Ball, 2011). VIDEO 1 : What is Digital Divide?  The cause of the issue is the unequal access to technology which includes one’s ability to own technology as well as the ability to keep it up-to-date. This reason is driven by economics or an individual’s financial standing. Continue reading →

Discrimination, social media and getting a job

This post will continue along the theme of online identity and how it can affect our employment prospects. No matter what our privacy settings can we ever keep our data private? Realistically the answer is no and that is why we should be careful about what we post online as potential employers will more than likely be able to view our posts and information. 77% of companies now use social media to screen candidates showing it’s increasing importance. Continue reading →

Teachers Beware!

There was always excitement in school when someone found the social media profile of a teacher. It is a little window into their life that you don’t normally get to see, but ethically there can be issues that occur when a teacher has social media and it is used in the wrong way. Below is a video I created on teachers use of social media: Source. Teachers are increasingly becoming under pressure in the internet age with social media being a key part of that. Continue reading →

Always Watching

Ethics: moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity. Given the above defenition, catfishing and the ethics relating to ones personal use of social media springs to mind first. Certainly, this would be an easier blog to write as there is a wealth of readily available material out there already (see here). Continue reading →

Reflection: Professional, not boring

I’ll admit, I approached this week with a sceptical outlook. At first glance, it seemed to me that I would be repeating much of what I said in the last topic, and following a guideline on creating a professional profile that appeared to be predetermined. However, as I progressed through my research and formed my own opinion I began to see ways to inject my own style and spin into the discussion. Continue reading →

Topic 4: social media ethics

Please read these notes and check out the links below, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussions, which are then developed over the next two weeks through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. These articles are intended to give you a flavour of the topic, and get you started on answering the Topic 4 set question below. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 3

One thing I discover whilst researching this topic is how important having a good professional online profile is. A way to establish yourself online is through LinkedIn: something I talk in depth about in my blog. LinkedIn isn’t something I have but haven’t properly set up to “completion” which I should really do as I’m applying for placements and it’s a good site for recruiters to look at. Continue reading →

Reflection of Topic 3

                                                                           (Kisner,  2015) My blog this week was clear, to the point and well approached. Like me I realised many people didn’t understand the importance of authenticity before this topic. Therefore, I approached this week’s blog by explaining the theory and importance whilst giving some tips on how to make a blog authentic. One way to think of it, is marketing yourself. Continue reading →

Topic 3 Summary #UOSM2033

Image 1 – Source: Huffington Post The material in topic 3 was certainly more familiar to me than that covered in the previous two topics. This did not deter me from reading widely around the material beyond the sources covered in the suggested reading. I used information that I had learnt in August, when I began to build a more professional online profile for my use in the job application process. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

This topic has been by far the most enlightening and, consequently, my favourite topic to date. This is due to a multitude of reasons; Primarily, I found the topic to be very relevant to my personal life. As a third year, it goes without saying that the idea of gainful employment is becoming increasingly pressing and the possibility of furthering one’s chances of securing a job is therefore very appealing. Continue reading →

Reflections on Topic 3

The topic 3 question has opened my eyes to how far I have progressed since beginning this module. I was not aware how small my digital footprint was and how this could effect my job prospects. I have now added even more aspects to my online identity with the addition of an LinkedIn account as well as an page. The initial readings gave me a good understanding of where I ,and many others, go wrong. Continue reading →

Reflection of Topic 3

I think this week’s topic is really useful for me because online professional profile have already became a trend which we cannot avoid to use after graduation. Before doing this week topic I still thought traditional way of recruiting is the main stream. When I doing the foundation year my teacher used to teach us how to make a perfect resume, and it made me think a good resume is the only way to attacked recruiters. Continue reading →

Reflection: Topic 3

From researching Topic 3 this week I have now understood different ways to establish an online profile how it can make an individual employable. From reading various blogs and watching a number of YouTube tutorials on online profiles, I decided to look deeply into the best ways of making an online LinkedIn profile as this is where 79% of employers use to recruit and post job ads. Continue reading →

Refoection – topic 3 – creating an authentic professional profile which represents you

This third topic of building an authentic professional profile was something that I felt lead on well from the previous topic of online identities. A professional profile was something that if feel I could have elaborated on in topic 2 so this was a good opportunity to do so. One of the most surprising discoveries for me was the great extent to which LinkedIn is used for advertising jobs and finding employees. Continue reading →