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Reflective Summary: Always Watching

It was great that this week’s question was a little narrower I feel I would’ve been overwhelmed with the idea of all ethics and social media – there is a lot that could be talked about! I enjoyed reading other people’s blogs and was surprised by how few talked about the ethical issues regarding catfishing, which, as I mention in my blog, I thought would be the popular option. Continue reading →

Always Watching

Ethics: moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity. Given the above defenition, catfishing and the ethics relating to ones personal use of social media springs to mind first. Certainly, this would be an easier blog to write as there is a wealth of readily available material out there already (see here). Continue reading →

Reflective Summary : Create a ‘false-self’ to find ‘your-self’

I must admit, I enjoyed this topic more than last weeks. What was interesting to see from other blogs was a lot of people got confused between multiple separate online identities and multiple partial identities.  So in my blog I tried to highlight the distinction with a graphic I made myself and talked about the costs and benefits of both – although initially I couldn’t find a good reason why someone would have another separate online identity. Continue reading →

Create a ‘false-self’ to find ‘your-self’

Nowadays, having an online identity is simply unavoidable. It happens as soon as you create an email account, log into a fitness app, sign up to Facebook or even buy something from Amazon. The definition of online identity can be quite hard to pin down – essentially it is the information that distinguishes you from everyone else and some of this information can change over time (, 2016). Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Digital ‘no-man’s-land’

Like most people undertaking this module, I had never come across the concept of ‘digital native/immigrant/visitor/resident’. It was great to see everyone getting into this topic, with different points of view, different ways of displaying the information with some very catchy titles. However, the general consensus I got from other people’s blogs was that there are serious flaws to this theory – which agreed with my own point of view. Continue reading →

Digital No-Man’s-Land

Previous blogs for the UOSM2033 module have written extensively on the subject of Digital “Visitors” and “Residents”, and have explained the theory in great detail. However, few have truly questioned this topic. My take on this topic is quite cynical, but hopefully it will stimulate some interesting discussions. From the literature and general discussion that I read, I personally believe that this is a ‘nontheory’. Continue reading →