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2016, Page 10

LinkedIn as Enablers of Employability and Professional Identity Development

Having a strong online professional presence is becoming increasingly necessary in today’s competitive job market, it stimulates being noticed and approached with opportunities.  I have experienced the effectiveness of LinkedIn through being headhunted and having my profile viewed by prospective employer.  Therefore I will focus on this professional social media platform throughout this article. Continue reading →

Holly Tripp, aspiring marketer, diligent second year Marketing BSc student at Southampton and Service Supervisor at B&Q

  In topic two I touched on how employers view social profiles and how presenting ourselves amicably will help us out in the long run. But, how do we go about developing an professional online profile and, how do we ensure it remains authentic? Authentic adjective of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine; real Being true to you is a concept that is always encouraged and, when creating an authentic professional profile it couldn’t be truer. Continue reading →

Building a Professional Digital Profile

In the modern workplace it has become increasingly important to have an authentic professional digital presence. Employers like it when they can see that a potential employee has invested time in maintaining an online presence be it in the form of a blog, or their own website, or even on professional social media sites just as LinkedIn. It shows initiative, and you would be surprised at the opportunities that can arise from being noticed online [6]. Continue reading →

Topic 3: How to make your professional profile authentic.

There are many ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed. The most common and well-known professional profile is Linkin where you can express your strengths, education and past experiences. However, there are more unconventional ways to communicate in a professional manner other than Linkin, for example blogging is becoming increasingly more popular to encourage employers to hirer you. Continue reading →

Would you like to sync your LinkedIn to your application?

Since starting this module, throughout my reading I have learn that employers use online profiles, both personal and professional before making a hiring decisions (Social Recruiting Survey,2014). The age where people apply for jobs in store or on paper is becoming less common and social recruiting is now the norm (Jobvite, 2014). (Stone’s Throw Media, 2013) To the get the most out online professional profiles, an authentic one needs to be developed. Continue reading →

Topic 3: CVs are Out, Social Media is In

More employers are using the Internet to recruit as a way to reduce time, cut costs and see a wider scope of candidates. (Make Use Of 2013) I’ve seen this from my own Twitter feed. After following recruitment companies and general businesses that interest me, I’ve noticed Tweets daily on my news feed from these accounts advertising job vacancies across the UK, and a lot of them are for graduates. Continue reading →

Building a Professional Digital Portfolio

As I learnt from the previous topic, many people have multiple online identities, one of which is often used to show the business side of their identity. The business-focused site Linkedin was created in 2003 to help people network online (mindtools, 2016). The site now has over 277 million users, with 94% of recruiters using the social media platform (Fernando, 2014). Continue reading →

Building an Authentic Professional Digital Profile

Don’t have a professional digital profile? You’re behind already! Creating a professional digital presence for myself is the best thing I have done for my career development, generating opportunities for expanding my networks, digital knowledge and career pathway. Why do I need one? E-recruitment, particularly through social media, allows for shorter hiring times and an acceleration of recruitment processes. Continue reading →

Using the Internet: Create your Best Chance of Employment

In the modern-day job market having a strong authentic online professional profile is becoming, not only important, but in some cases essential. More often are employers taking to social media to search and scrutinise potential employees. Statistics surrounding employer’s use of social media and more specifically LinkedIn (the main player in employment social media) demonstrate how important it is, not only to be present professionally online, but to standout and shine (JobVite, 2014). Continue reading →

Developing your online professional profile: are you still living in the stone age?

‘On average we spend four hours per day on social media, that’s half a working day’ (Nyman, 2014) So what if instead of simply using these sites to socialise, we are also using them to make professional connections and further our careers? Such use of social media is an incredibly powerful resource, with 93% of recruiters utilising social media to support recruiting efforts (Jobvite, 2014). The most popular sites for recruiting are Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. Continue reading →

Developing an authentic online professional profile

  As social media has become a widespread feature within modern society, it also plays an increasingly important role within the recruitment process as highlighted by the statistics shown in Figure 1 and 2. This makes it quintessential for jobseekers, in particular graduates to keep up-to-date authentic online professional profiles so that all important job opportunities are not being missed. Continue reading →

Review of Topic 3

Whilst I always recognised the importance of my presence online and the role it can play in determining my employment possibilities, attaching a statistic to the seriousness of the issue has completely changed my outlook on the matter. Being aware that 93% of recruiter’s review a candidate’s social media profile before making a hiring decision has made me completely rethink my online professional appearance. Continue reading →

Build your Brand: Pave Your Way to Professionalism

Why build your own brand? Developing an authentic, recognisable personal brand opens up professional opportunities by helping you network and stand out from the crowd [1]. Photo credits. JobVite Social Recruiting Survey 2014 shows that industries are most likely to use LinkedIn, Facebook and even Twitter to help their recruiting process.   Why online? Online recruiting has become the norm, with a large emphasis on using social media for the process. Continue reading →

Topic 3: How Facebook can get you a job

Or, well…cost you one. Today, I’d like to touch upon the ways your online presence can be developed not only to impress and engage your peers but also potentially your employees. To start off with, the question is why bother? According to Don Tapscott (2014), companies evolve alongside today’s technology and are not increasingly using social networks during hiring process. For them is quick, cost effective and can say a lot more about  a candidate than a resume would. Continue reading →

Topic 3: The hard task of making the most of social media!

As a young girl born in a technological era, I witness the rise of social media. I was aware that the different social networks could be used for personal reasons and for professional ones. However, I never fully understood the degree of importance that social media could have on our likeliness to obtain a job or not. By doing some researches and looking at the Jobvite survey results, I realized that recruiters really take into account social media when hiring someone. Continue reading →