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Epic 2012

It’s been a long time since I last updated my blog here. Well, there have been lots of exciting things going on. When I landed in Heathrow two years ago, that was my first time being abroad and I was doing just fine. So, I thought, hell yeah, put me anywhere on god's green earth and I’ll get through with ease …until last weekend. Just two days before the Easter break ends, I attended a conference like no others. Continue reading →

The Best Student Paper Award

The Best Student Paper Award What’s up every-buddy! I have good news to tell you regarding my research. I won the “Best Student Paper Award” at “The European Conference on Data Mining (ECDM'11)”, July 2011, Rome Italy. Well, that shows the top quality research being carried out at ECS and of course the motivation(s) I have towards the research.... :) Apart from attending the conference, I had a good chance to visit Rome. Continue reading →

2011 so far – Part 1

2011 so far - Part 1 It may be becoming somewhat of a clichĂ©, but what a year it has been so far. Such a busy and exciting year it has been that I’ve not made time to write a blog about it yet. Oops! Sorry about that. But fear not, with a few weeks rest now, in between exams finishing and the start of work for the summer, I’m finally able to give you an update on all the exciting things I’ve been up to. January started off with Semester 1 exams. Continue reading →

What’s wrong with being a PhD Student?

Adam: Musi, we supposed to have a meeting yesterday? Musi: I think, the meeting is scheduled to be every Wednesday? Adam: It was Wednesday yesterday! Musi: No, today is Wednesday! Adam: Today is Thursday, go check your calendar! Musi: (a bit embarrassed.....), Well ... blah Adam: It’s ok, I understand you are a final year PhD.....!!! Well, this was the argument I had with my supervisor a couple of weeks back. Afterwards, I cried, Oh God, what's wrong with being a PhD ... lol. Continue reading →

Royal Academy of Engineering

I wrote back in April about an award I received from the Royal Academy of Engineering. Two weeks ago, just before the start of Freshers' Week, I got to make use of this for the first time with a weekend conference in Birmingham where I got the chance to meet the other winners from top engineering departments across the country and attend a series of personal development workshops. Continue reading →

UMAP 2009 Day 1

I'm in Trento, Italy for the second conference of my academic career: UMAP (User Modelling And Personalisation) 2009. The first was back in November at DIGITEL 2008, in Banff, Canada, but someone convinced me not to take my laptop and typing a blog entry on my phone was too much hard work!! Conferences are an important part of the research world, as they are where academics present their work to their peers and receive feedback. Continue reading →

InterFace 2009

InterFace 2009 One of the things that has been keeping me busy recently is being on the organising committee of a conference: InterFace 2009. My friend Leif (who I met on a training course way back at the start of my PhD) is doing a PhD in ECS department, but with a co-supervisor in Archaeology, due to the nature of his topic. Continue reading →

What I Did This Summer: Part I

There was a long period over the summer where I didn't write a blog entry, and it all stems from what I spoke about in my June entry: my 9-month report! What happened was that I worked fairly heavily on it during June to get it completed for the end of the month. During this time my supervisor, Hugh, was off sick for a while, though from my perspective this let me knuckle down and really get some writing done. Continue reading →