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Snow! Deadlines! Poverty!

Snow! Deadlines! Poverty! That pretty much sums up everything that has happened since my last blog. The weather, as of writing, is snowy leaning towards icy, which has had the rather lovely knock-on effect of a four-day weekend! Took long enough for the snow to make its way down the country to us, heh. Deadlines are horrible, but I don’t have any left now, so my weekend is truly free. Aside from all the regular work. Bah. Continue reading →

A question of ethics

My aim has been to write a blog weekly, but there is a limitation to the amount of verbal output I can achieve in one week (I accept that this may come as a shock to my parents and a fair few people I know). My primary occupation recently has been the development of a questionnaire., as I need first-hand data to draw conclusions in addition to those that I have drawn from research. Naturally this involves humans, and anything that involves humans involves a submission to the ethics committee. Continue reading →

I think it’s safe to say that winter is officially here

I think it's safe to say that winter is officially here. I can occasionally see my breath in my house and queuing to get into clubs is now out of the question, while the clubs themselves are beginning to make a packet off the cloakrooms. Negativity aside, I actually quite like this time of year for some reason. It gives you more of an excuse to hug people and stuff. So far this year has been an absolute coursework onslaught. Continue reading →

The Weather is Getting Colder

Hello, my dear readers! Happy to see you all again! The weather is getting colder, but my life as an ECS student keeps my world warm and bright. Hopefully this blog is helpful and it could convey some warmth to you.:) Modules I have 7 modules in the first semester, four of which will have final exams in January. They are Circuit Theory, Logic Circuit Design, Solid State Electronics and Self-study Math. Continue reading →

Requirement Evolution

Requirement Evolution My flow of blogs was delayed by another management essay - this time on consultancy and entrepreneurs - but the third-year project still moves on. Having settled more firmly on the intended outcome of my project, I decided it was time to revisit the purpose of the project. Two reasons: 1) In all third-year projects, a second examiner is appointed. Continue reading →

Time flies…

It has already been over a month since I arrived in UK. Time flies when I’m still busy with my coursework and studies. Though this is the first time I’m in UK, settling down doesn’t take much time for me as the university provides excellent student service and accommodation for international students. However, I find myself having to work really hard to keep up with the lectures. Continue reading →

Five great things about being an ECS student

Five great things about being an ECS student So… I’m about halfway through my first semester, and the fact that I’m only now sitting down and writing my first entry must say a lot about how busy I am, and how much of a great time I’m having here in Southampton! Instead of writing a fairly standard article about how brilliant Southampton and ECS are academically (which they really are: check out the rest of the website if you don’t believe me), I’m really trying to write more... Continue reading →