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University of Southampton Life, Page 15

Holiday at last!

Holiday at last. Well, almost. I’m back at my parents’ house a little early this year to help out with a radio play my dad is staging. The fact that I just said “staging” should be raising a few eyebrows. My dad is trying to recreate all the fun/insanity of watching a radio play being recorded live, including microphones, multiple parts, and that silly person knocking cups together to do the “live effects”. (That silly person, in this case, being me. Continue reading →

Banana Bread for Helpdesk

I hope Helpdesk liked the banana bread Is it that time already? That was a rhetorical question, since my netbook informs me that it is the 10th of December, so bar ntp turning around and betraying me, I will assume that it is the correct date. At the cost of putting more pennies into the blogger's clichĂ© jar, this term has been incredibly quick and event packed. Continue reading →

Homesickness over the holidays!

Following on from my previous post I'd like to say, well, what a surprise. Housing is definitely not something to think about yet. Thank you for clarifying that, SUSU. No applications for housing can really be made until February. Despite this, people are choosing to select their housemates now. Insert confused face here. Since I've been in Southampton, I have not felt even the slightest touch of homesickness. Continue reading →

Christmas Work Load

Last night I was booking my train tickets to go back to my home in Bristol and I was wondering, 'How soon can I come back to Southampton?'. It feels like I haven't been here that long. I'm going to miss the lifestyle of working hard but also playing hard. I realise while the work is challenging it can be fun. I think I'm going to miss arguing about open source software or what the most efficient code is. Still, it's only a few weeks, time will fly. Continue reading →

Group Projects

Group Projects This year there has been a definite shift from being set countless individual problem sheets to having fewer, larger group projects. No small part of this is our Software Engineering project where we have been challenged to design, code and implement a program to run on a Windows Mobile powered PDA. We are free to design what we wish, with the only constraints being that it must use databases and the inbuilt GPS in some way. Continue reading →