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Software Engineering, Page 3

How to Decide Where to Study

System.out.println(ā€œHello Worldā€); * And thatā€™s how you start your career in software engineering! Among the many good decision that I have made in my life, l would rather say ā€“ short life ;) one was to join software engineering and the other was to choose ECS for my MSc! I have an odd habit to delay an important decision unless I have gained all the essential knowledge needed to make that decision. Continue reading →

Project Work SEG is Done, Even with Members Dropping Out

SEG IS OVER! For the uninitiated, SEG stands for our Part II Software Engineering Group project, where we spend a whole semester working on a piece of software while embracing the trials and tribulations of group-based software development. It all started when we were told our group allocations. The groups were randomly chosen, so if Lady Luck was having PMS at the time, you could've been stuck with your arch nemesis for the rest of the semester. Continue reading →

Awaiting Exam Results – May Come Out on My Brithday

Time sure flies. I got my previous semester's exam results last month. I always seem to get my Semester 1 results on or around my birthday. It's kind of scary; if the results are good, I would definitely feel like celebrating, but if they're not, it will just ruin my special day. This year, thank God, my birthday celebrations went without a hitch ;) The Students' Union held their elections last month as well. It's funny how all the candidates I voted for LOST. Again. Continue reading →