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August 2014

An update from Charlotte…

Hello everyone, As we are now two-thirds of the way through our internship, I thought I would give you an update on my progress! My research on Group Activity is going well, and I have continued to contact universities who demonstrate interesting and innovative ways to make their students aware of their professional and personal development across all aspects of university life. Continue reading →

Opportunity Profiling- Stepping up our Game!

Hi everyone, Since Eleanor took a 3 week period of annual leave on August 11th, the pressure has no doubt been on for all members of the Mission Employable team to achieve as much as possible and meet the range of respective goals that we each set for Eleanor’s return at the start of September. However, alongside this work we have also been compiling opportunity profiles for the Southampton Opportunity Project. Continue reading →

Humanities Peer Mentoring – Applications are in!

Good Morning everyone! The Humanities Peer Mentoring scheme is coming along extremely well. The mentor applications closed on Sunday (17/08), and I am currently in the process of reading through them all. There were an incredible 166 applicants from across our seven departments! Reading through the applications is one of the highlights of this role because it is a great privilege to read students’ reasons and motives for joining the scheme. Continue reading →

An update from Amber

Hi everyone, I just thought I’d let you know how James and I are progressing with the module. It’s scary to think that we now have less than 5 weeks left of our internship until Verity enters the graduate job market; James and I recommence our studies; and Charlotte gets stuck into her PhD and Research Assistantship post. So, what have we been up to recently? Last week, James and I spent the vast majority of our time working on the module’s Blackboard site. Continue reading →

The Mission Employable ‘Reflective Tool’

Hello everyone, As you know, the Mission Employable Team are working hard to give Humanities students at the University of Southampton the best possible opportunities to develop their employability skills. One of the main components of these initiatives is to raise students’ awareness of the importance of developing their key employability skills throughout their time at the University. Continue reading →

Hello from Winchester School of Art

Winchester School of Art Blog: Hi there! My name is Jaspreet Rana. I am studying Graphic Arts, specialising in Motion Graphics, at Winchester School of Art (WSA). I have just finished my first year here at WSA and have been fortunate enough to secure this amazing internship. With a particular focus on Winchester School of Art, Denise Barbour and I are among 2 of the 20 interns working on the Southampton Opportunity Project. Continue reading →

VIP Alumni Scheme – Recent Developments

Hello everyone, As I’m sure you have probably guessed, the past few weeks have been so busy:  meetings with the Employability tutors from the 7 departments within the Faculty of Humanities; thinking about possible module content; working on the Southampton Opportunity project; and a whole range of other exciting initiatives. It’s strange to think that we are nearly half way through our internship and we have already achieved so much in such a short amount of time. Continue reading →