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August 2014, Page 2

Southampton Opportunity Project Away Day

As Charlotte has mentioned in her previous post, the Mission Employable team are contributing to the Southampton Opportunity Project. All the interns who are involved in the project meet up fortnightly to discuss what they have achieved so far and the problems they have encountered. There are interns from across different faculties and campuses, including the National Oceanography Centre and the Winchester School of Art. Continue reading →

What’s going on?! What is to come?! An update from Charlotte….

Hello everyone, What a busy few weeks it has been! I have been spending a lot of time researching the ways that other UK universities give value to students’ extra-curricular activities through accreditation, certification, or competition. In fact, just today I had an extremely helpful conversation with the University of Nottingham about their Advantage Award – it is wonderful to see so many institutions willing to share their expertise with us. Continue reading →

Hi from Verity – Week 5 (already!)

Hello everyone, I cannot believe how quickly these past five weeks have passed, and how much has been achieved. In week 4 I had a meeting with the Humanities Senior Tutors to inform them of the exciting Humanities Peer Mentoring scheme. The Senior Tutors provide a role of pastoral care for students, both at undergraduate and post graduate level, and are the point of call above a student’s Personal Academic Tutor (PAT). Continue reading →