An Exploration of Intersectionality and School Belonging in the Permanent Exclusion of Black Caribbean Boys in Schools in England: Implications for Educational Psychologists (2024)

Authors: Anna Burnett and Henry Wood-Downie
Published: 2024
Publication: Educational and Child Psychology

Aims: Disproportionately high exclusion rates of Black Caribbean Boys (BCBs) in England are considered from a school belonging perspective, particularly as mediated through teacher relations. The vulnerabilities of this group are considered, with intersectionality suggested as a critical concept. Method/Rationale: BCBs are permanently excluded from schools in England at a rate three times higher than the general population. Permanent exclusion has been linked to a range of negative personal and socio-economic consequences, highlighting the need to address this disparity. School belonging mediates negative peer and parental influences and may be linked to school exclusion for some groups. Literature is reviewed considering belonging, linking belonginess threats to both pro-social and anti-social behaviour. The multi-dimensional nature of school belonging is noted. School belonging literature is reviewed, establishing the vital importance of teacher relationships. Evidence regarding BCB’s relationships with their teachers, often characterised by low expectations, differential treatment and racial bias, is considered. Findings: It is argued that these negative relational influences constitute belonginess threats for BCBs. It is hypothesised that these, along with increased belongingness sensitivity amongst some BCBs, can drive increased anti-social behaviour, in some cases leading to school exclusion. Limitations: This is a theoretical paper and further empirical research is needed into what constitutes school belonging for BCBs, whose lives are often impacted by various intersecting inequalities. Conclusions: Initiatives aiming to increase school belonging amongst BCBs, by improving their relationships with teachers, are suggested as a way of decreasing exclusions. A role for Educational Psychologists in supporting schools with evidence-based approaches to enhancing school belonging for this group is suggested.

Burnett, A., & Wood-Downie, H. (2024). An Exploration of Intersectionality and School Belonging in the Permanent Exclusion of Black Caribbean Boys in Schools in England: Implications for Educational Psychologists. Educational and Child Psychology, 41(2), 17-29.

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Navigating the landscape: Roles, perspectives, and experiences of psychologists supporting gender diverse children and young people in school settings (2023)

Authors: Gracie New-Brown, Cora Sargeant and Sarah Wright
Published: 2023
Publication: International Journal of Transgender Health

Purpose. This review aimed to explore and synthesize the perspectives and experiences of school-based psychological professionals providing support to gender diverse CYP across the world, to foreground the voices of those with relevant experience and support future practice. Methods. A systematic review of five databases (PsychINFO, CINAHL, ERIC, SCOPUS and PROQUEST dissertations and theses) was performed between September and November 2022. Articles were included if they contained qualitative, primary research data representing the voice of at least one school-based psychological professional with experience working with gender diverse children and young people. Articles were excluded if they did not contain primary research data, were quantitative, related to non-school based psychologists or focussed on participant views in the absence of direct experience working with gender diverse pupils. Articles were thematically summarized and organized into a data extraction table. Results. Eighteen studies were identified for review, including 11 studies based in the USA, five in the UK, one in Australia and one in Cyprus. The voices of school-based professionals, including school counselors, school psychologists, trainee and qualified educational psychologists, were represented. The themes created highlighted the importance of the environment in which psychologists were working, the reliance on their own views and values to guide their work in the absence of clear guidance, the role psychologists saw they had to advocate for gender diverse CYP, as well as barriers and systems they were fighting against. Conclusion. The review highlighted the need for psychologists to advocate for gender diverse children and young people, in an often non-inclusive environment where there was a need to work systemically with schools. Future research is needed to explore young people’s experiences of the support that they are receiving and would like to receive.

New-Brown, G., Sargeant, C., & Wright, S. (2023). Navigating the landscape: Roles, perspectives, and experiences of psychologists supporting gender diverse children and young people in school settings. International Journal of Transgender Health, 25(1), 102–122.

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What is the effectiveness of the Talk Boost intervention on children’s language development?

Assignment type: Academic Critique
Author: Emma Woozley
Submitted: October 2023

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To cite this work, please use the following:

Woozley, E. (2024, 5 December). What is the effectiveness of the Talk Boost intervention on children’s language development? University of Southampton Educational Psychology research blog.

Supporting behaviour and emotions in school: an exploration into school staff perspectives on the journey from punitive approaches to relational-based approaches (2024)

Authors: Rebecca Jones, Jana Kreppner, Fiona Marsh and Brettany Hartwell
Published: 2024
Publication: Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

There are conflicting theories about the best ways to support behaviour in schools. This paper captures the perspectives of UK primary school staff regarding the advantages and disadvantages of different behaviour support approaches, in addition to exploring the facilitators and barriers to adopting relational-based approaches. Virtual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 school staff across three mainstream primary schools. A reflexive thematic analysis identified nine themes. Participants commented on the approaches’ flexibility, familiarity, positive long-term behaviour change and emotional wellbeing and relationships. Key facilitators to adopting relational-based approaches included: whole-school training and understanding; quality and type of training; and working together and feeling supported. Key barriers included: changing perspectives; ease of implementation and familiarity; scarcity of resources; and persevering in the face of difficulties. Themes are discussed in light of psychological research and implications for educational practitioners and future research are considered.

Jones, R., Kreppner, J., Marsh, F., & Hartwell, B. (2024) Supporting behaviour and emotions in school: an exploration into school staff perspectives on the journey from punitive approaches to relational-based approaches. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 29(1–2), 82–98.

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What role should schools play in the prevention of disordered eating in children and young people? (2024)

Authors: Emma Woozley and Cora Sargeant
Published: 2024
Publication: DECP Debate

Whilst clinical eating disorders are relatively uncommon in children and young people, a much larger proportion are thought to experience subclinical difficulties with eating, termed ‘disordered eating’. Given that the issue is so widespread and many young people experiencing disordered eating do not meet the criteria for specialist eating disorder services, schools have a responsibility to work systemically to reduce the prevalence of these difficulties. Educators may be able to use some of the risk factors for disordered eating, including body dissatisfaction, parental pressure to lose weight, peer influence and internalisation of food rules, to inform preventative strategies. These strategies may include, but not be limited to, implementing curriculum changes such as teaching about body image and nutrition education in developmentally appropriate ways, as well as considering whole-school policy changes such as specifying weight-related victimisation in the school’s anti-bullying policy and deliberating the school’s involvement in national child weighing schemes. Taken together, schools have the potential to play a critical role in reducing disordered eating in children and young people. Educational psychologists are well-positioned to raise educators’ awareness of disordered eating and support senior leadership teams implement these preventative strategies in an evidence-informed way as well as considering the role disordered eating might play in their own casework.

Woozley, E. & Sargent, C.. (2024). What role should schools play in the prevention of disordered eating in children and young people? DECP Debate, 188, 9-17. DOI:

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“They’ll know loads more about me” – Facilitating self-expression through Digital Storytelling to support educational transitions (research poster)

Assignment type: Small Scale Research Project poster
Authors: Sophie Brinsmead, Carys Deeley, Jess Millington, Laura Pardoe, Henry Wood-Downie and Hanna Kovshoff
Submitted: June 2024

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View a recorded webinar about this research project here.

‘Boys would obviously start more fights’ – Using Personal Construct Psychology to Explore what Boys feel would make School Safe (research poster)

Assignment type: Small Scale Research Project poster
Authors: Anna Burnett, Amy Brockwell, Alana Gallacher, Becca Stadames, Dawn Slattery and Sarah Wright
Submitted: June 2024

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Poster on display at the 2024 PGR Psychology conference at the University of Southampton


Recorded webinar: Facilitating self-expression to support transitions through Digital Storytelling

In an online webinar (streamed by Educational Psychology Reach-Out on 18 Apr 2024), Southampton trainee educational psychologists Sophie Brinsmead, Jess Millington, Laura Pardoe and Carys Deeley discuss their small scale research project on Digital Storytelling (supervised by Dr Henry Wood-Downie and supported by Dr Hanna Kovshoff).

TEP Talks episode 17: Dyslexia

Trainee educational psychologists Jhora Sangha, Atalia Welch, Dan Hawkins, Hannah Forde, Maz Brown and Gemma Tugwell discuss dyslexia. In a role-played scenario, advice is given to a primary school SENCo wondering whether his school should introduce dyslexia screening for all children starting school.

Show notes:

TEP Talks ep 17 Handout
TEP Talks ep 17 References List

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What do measures of gender identity tell us about gender identity over time? (2024)

Authors: Ellena Fisher, Sarah Wright and Cora Sargeant
Published: 2024
Publication: British Journal of Developmental Psychology

Gender identity is a multifaceted concept and is represented by a wide range of measures and constructs including both self-report and researcher observations of preferences and behaviours. However, despite their similar theoretical underpinning, gender identity measures are rarely found to correlate with one another, and contrasting patterns and trajectories are often found for each construct (Egan & Perry, Developmental Psychology37, 2001, 451). Therefore, this systematic review aimed to present a review of the longitudinal research evidence surrounding gender identity development in the absence of formal intervention. Using a systematic search strategy, 21 studies were identified. Narrative synthesis was used to synthesize the data collected in these studies and trajectories were explored for (1) self-identification measures of gender identity, (2) clothing preferences, (3) peer preferences, and (4) object/activity preferences. Overall, the results of this systematic review are consistent with wider research suggesting that distinct developmental patterns can be observed when using different constructs and measures of gender identity.

Fisher, E., Wright, S., & Sargeant, C. (2024) What do measures of gender identity tell us about gender identity over time? British Journal of Developmental Psychology,

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‘Schools aren’t talking about it even though they should be’ – Using Personal Construct Psychology to explore what girls feel would make schools safe.

Assignment type: Small Scale Research Project
Author: Lauren Craik, Sukhjagat Brar, Imogen Crockett, Hannah Kemp, Martha Mayfield, Cora Sargeant, Dawn Slattery and Sarah Wright.
Submitted: September 2022 

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a widespread issue, and it has long been recognized that action is needed to address this. Recent reports (e.g., Ofsted, 2021) have highlighted the significance of VAWG and ensuring girls’ safety within schools. While current research has examined the extent of VAWG in schools, there has been limited exploration of girls’ perspectives on the measures that would enhance their sense of safety in school. This study explored female-identifying pupils’ perspectives of what a safe and unsafe school looks like and what can be done to make schools safe. Eight Year 10 female-identifying pupils from two UK secondary schools took part in a Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) interview based on Moran’s (2001) Ideal School. Four themes were created using reflexive thematic analysis: (1) ‘Schools aren’t talking about it (violence) even though they should be’, (2) They’re ‘watching me’, (3) Relationships are key and, (4) Schools have a responsibility to intervene. The study highlights the normalisation of violence against women and girls in schools and emphasises the importance of positive relationships with peers and staff, improved relationship education, and staff training in fostering a safer environment. This underscores the role everyone plays in addressing VAWG.

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To cite this work, please use the following:

Craik, L., Brar, S., Crockett, I., Kemp, H., Mayfield, M., Sargeant, C., Slattery, D. & Wright, S.  (2024, 16 April). ‘Schools aren’t talking about it even though they should be’ – Using Personal Construct Psychology to explore what girls feel would make schools safe.. University of Southampton Educational Psychology research blog.

Using Digital Stories for assessments and transition planning for autistic pre-school children (2021)

Authors: Henry Wood-Downie, Verity Ward, Kathryn Ivil, Hanna Kovshoff and Sarah Parsons
Published: 2021
Publication: Educational and Child Psychology

Aims: ‘I am…’ Digital Stories are short videos designed to provide a holistic, strengths-based representation of the child through enabling them to contribute their perspectives to transition planning. Digital Stories have potential during periods in which professionals are unable to physically visit settings or spend time getting to know a child. This paper describes the use of Digital Stories in two contexts: (1) being shown at the beginning of person-centred planning meetings focusing on the transition to primary school; and (2) as a tool to support educational psychologists conducting Education, Health, and Care Needs Assessments for preschool children during Covid-19. Method: Data was collected via seven semi-structured interviews, 15 feedback forms, and videos of four meetings. Participants comprised six parents/carers, five nursery practitioners, three school staff members, and six educational psychologists. Thematic analysis resulted in five main themes: thinking differently; a wider conversation; more than words; seeing what they see; and potential barriers to making Digital Stories. Limitations: Children were not able to make their own Digital Stories, which could have influenced their representation within the videos, transition meetings and assessments. However, children’s body worn camera footage was included, enabling a perspective on their interactions and preferences that was closer to the child’s worldview than other observational methods. Conclusions: Digital Stories have a variety of benefits to practice, including being useful to educational psychologists during assessments, and have the potential to facilitate successful transitions from nursery to primary school.

Wood-Downie, H., Ward, V., Ivil, K., Kovshoff, H. & Parsons, S. (2021) Using Digital Stories for assessments and transition planning for autistic pre-school children. Educational and Child Psychology, 38(3),

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A Meta-Analysis Investigating the Association Between Metacognition and Math Performance in Adolescence (2022)

Authors: Gemma Muncer, Philip A. Higham, Corentin J. Gosling, Samuele Cortese, Henry Wood-Downie and Julie A. Hadwin
Published: 2022
Publication: Educational Psychology Review

Poor math and numeracy skills are associated with a range of adverse outcomes, including reduced employability and poorer physical and mental health. Research has increasingly focused on understanding factors associated with the improvement of math skills in school. This systematic literature review and meta-analysis investigated the association between metacognition and math performance in adolescence (11–16-year-olds). A systematic search of electronic databases and grey literature (to 04.01.2020) highlighted 31 studies. The quantitative synthesis of 74 effect sizes from 29 of these studies (30 independent populations) indicated a significantly positive correlation between metacognition and math performance in adolescence (r = .37, 95% CI = [.29, .44], p < .001). There was significant heterogeneity between studies. Consideration of online (versus offline) measures of metacognition and more complex (versus simple) measures of math performance, and their combination, was associated with larger effect sizes; however, heterogeneity remained high for all analyses.

Muncer, G., Higham, P.A., Gosling, C.J. Cortese, S., Wood-Downie, H. & Hadwin, J. A. (2022) A Meta-Analysis Investigating the Association Between Metacognition and Math Performance in Adolescence. Educational Psychology Review, 34, 301–334.

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in narrow constructs of restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests in autistic children, adolescents, and adults (2023)

Authors: Hannah Edwards, Sarah Wright, Cora Sargeant, Samuele Cortese and Henry Wood-Downie
Published: 2023
Publication: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Background: Evidence that autism often manifests differently between males and females is growing, particularly in terms of social interaction and communication, but it is unclear if there are sex differences in restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests (RRBIs) when rigorously focusing on the narrow construct level (i.e., stereotyped behaviour, restricted interests, insistence on sameness, and/or sensory experiences). Methods: We conducted a systematic review and four random effects meta-analyses investigating sex differences in narrow construct measures of RRBIs in autistic children, adolescents, and adults (Prospero registration ID: CRD42021254221). Study quality was appraised using the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale. Results: Forty-six studies were narratively synthesised and 25 of these were included in four random effects meta-analyses. Results found that autistic males had significantly higher levels of stereotyped behaviours (SMD = 0.21, 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.09, 0.33], p < .001) and restricted interests (SMD = 0.18, 95% CI [0.07, 0.29], p < .001) compared to autistic females. In contrast, there were no significant sex differences for sensory experiences (SMD = −0.09, 95% CI [−0.27, 0.09], p = .32) and insistence on sameness (SMD = 0.01, 95% CI [−0.03, 0.05], p = .68). The findings from the narrative synthesis were generally consistent with those from the meta-analyses and also found qualitative sex differences in the way RRBIs manifest. Conclusions: Our findings show significant differences in narrowly defined RRBIs in males and females. Practitioners need to be aware of such differences, which could be contributing to the under-recognition of autism in females and may not be captured by current diagnostic instruments.

Edwards, H., Wright, S., Sargeant, C., Cortese, S. & Wood-Downie, H. (2023) Research Review: A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in narrow constructs of restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests in autistic children, adolescents, and adults. J Child Psychol Psychiatr, 65: 4-17.

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Punitive behaviour management policies and practices in secondary schools: A systematic review of children and young people’s perceptions and experiences (2023)

Authors: Rebecca Jones, Jana Kreppner, Fiona Marsh and Brettany Hartwell
Published: 2023
Publication: Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

Traditional in-school approaches focus on using consequences for managing pupil behaviour. Within published literature, concerns have been raised about the effectiveness and negative impact of punitive approaches. This systematic synthesis explores the perspectives of children and young people (CYP) in secondary schools on in-school punitive behaviour management policies and practices. Papers are evaluated using an adapted version of the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (2019) and study findings are analysed using thematic synthesis. The findings highlight CYP’s thoughts on the fairness and consistency of punitive consequences, the impact of these on academic development and emotional wellbeing, and the limited long-term effectiveness of such approaches. CYP explain their need to feel listened to, understood and supported with their behaviour and emotions. Implications of these views for school staff, educational professionals and education policy makers are outlined.

Jones, R., Kreppner, J., Marsh, F. & Hartwell, B. (2023) Punitive behaviour management policies and practices in secondary schools: A systematic review of children and young people’s perceptions and experiences, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 28:2-3, 182-197, DOI: 10.1080/13632752.2023.2255403

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Exploring the impact of gender identity and stereotypes on secondary pupils’ computer science enrolment interest (2023)

Authors: Eleanor Beck, Cora Sargeant and Sarah Wright
Published: 2023
Publication: International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology

There is an underrepresentation of women working in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) industries. Initiatives to encourage greater diversity in STEM have been less successful in computer science. This research investigates whether identification with gender stereotypes (defined as the extent to which one identifies with stereotypical masculine or feminine traits) and other factors predict enrolment interest in computer science and whether stereotypical cues impact on these relationships. British secondary school students were shown either a stereotypical or a non-stereotypical computer science classroom and completed measures assessing their identification with gender stereotypes, enrolment interest, belonging, stereotype threat, self-efficacy and utility value. Femininity significantly predicted lower enrolment interest and this relationship appeared to be mediated by stereotype threat. This study extends previous research by showing that young peoples’ identification with gender stereotypes predicts enrolment interest to some degree. We highlight the need to challenge persistent stereotypes regarding who best ‘fits’ computer science.

Beck, E., Sargeant, C. & Wright, S. (2023) Exploring the impact of gender identity and stereotypes on secondary pupils’ computer science enrolment interest (2023). International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 15(1), 48–71.

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“If You’re Not Yourself, Who are You Going to be?” an Exploration of Gender and Sexuality Diverse Pupils Experiences of Visibility Management in School: A Systematic Literature Review (2023)

Authors: Cleo Timney, Sarah Wright, and Cora Sargeant
Published: 2023
Publication: Journal of Homosexuality

Like all young people (YP), those who are gender and sexuality diverse (GSD) spend their youth exploring and discovering their identities; but unlike their peers, they must consider whether, how, and when to disclose their GSD identity to others in a dynamic process of visibility management (VM). At school, GSD YP actively test social reactions, interpret attitudes, and assess safety, ultimately seeking belonging as their authentic selves. Our systematic review explored findings from 16 qualitative studies capturing GSD YPs experiences of managing visibility in schools internationally. Data were thematically synthesized, and seven themes were constructed. The process of visibility management is fluid, a negotiation with social norms that GSD YP’s very existence transgresses. YP search for, and through activism actively shape, accepting environments in which they can safely be their authentic selves. GSD YP are actively asking school staff for help in creating open communities where all YP can find a place to belong, to fight to be visible. We offer some suggestions for how we might begin.

Timney, C., Wright, S. & Sargeant, C. (2023) “If You’re Not Yourself, Who are You Going to be?” an Exploration of Gender and Sexuality Diverse Pupils Experiences of Visibility Management in School: A Systematic Literature Review (2023). Journal of Homosexuality, DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2023.2246616

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