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Looking back at UOSM2008

Reflecting on the journey through UOSM2008 will be facilitated through Smyth’s reflection on action (Smyth, 1989). This process, as further refined by Waring M & Evans C (Waring and Evans, 2015), is broken down into four steps: describe, inform, confront and reconstruct. Given the somewhat unique learning experience this module caters towards, it is fitting to allocate a sufficiently in-depth reflection to isolate the most useful skills developed. Continue reading →

Final Reflections

A learning curve – the only way to describe the journey of UOSM2008. Using the Smyth (1989) template for self-reflection, the following summarises my progress and thoughts throughout the module. 1. Describing – The UOSM2008 Experience What did I do? This module entailed starting a blog, which served as a platform for the fortnightly process of posting, commenting and reflecting upon a specific topic, relating to the online World. Continue reading →

Final Reflections

A learning curve – the only way to describe the journey of UOSM2008. Using the Smyth (1989) template for self-reflection, the following summarises my progress and thoughts throughout the module. 1. Describing – The UOSM2008 Experience What did I do? This module entailed starting a blog, which served as a platform for the fortnightly process of posting, commenting and reflecting upon a specific topic, relating to the online World. Continue reading →

Final Reflections

A learning curve – the only way to describe the journey of UOSM2008. Using the Smyth (1989) template for self-reflection, the following summarises my progress and thoughts throughout the module. 1. Describing – The UOSM2008 Experience What did I do? This module entailed starting a blog, which served as a platform for the fortnightly process of posting, commenting and reflecting upon a specific topic, relating to the online World. Continue reading →

UOSM2008- The final reflection!

UOSM2008 introduced a nice change this semester, moving away from traditional assessments such as exams and coursework essays has been a worthwhile challenge. I’ve learnt many new skills and new knowledge important to my everyday and professional use of the web. I will be using Smyth’s (1989) reflection on action framework to structure my blog post. Continue reading →

Reflecting for the last time

To help me determine my journey throughout this module, I am going to critically assess using Smyth’s (1989) ‘Reflection on Action’ framework in order to described. inform, confront, and reconstruct how far I’ve come since taking this module. Figure 1. Smyth’s (1989) Reflection on Action Model, created using Canva (Leckstein, 2018). Describe What have I done? This module involved a step-by-step proces. Continue reading →

Farewell UOSM2008, The Real Journey Starts Now- Final Reflection

Created by Chloe Cheung using Canva This module provided an opportunity for me to explore topics on the digital world from different perspectives. My attitude towards digital media and platforms have changed, altering my approaches to maintain online identities and profiles. I decided to use the reflective cycle framework created by Gibbs (Gibbs, 1988) to carry out an effective analysis of the module. Continue reading →

Farewell to Living and Working on the Web

Introduction Whilst I am bidding farewell to UOSM2008, I am not bidding farewell to the array of digital skills that I have developed throughout this module. Undertaking a degree in criminology has taught me valuable life and study skills, however, arguably the most useful thing that I have done whilst studying is opting into this module. Employing the use of a stranded reflection strategy, I will now critically reflect upon the last semester on this module (Waring & Evans, 2015). Continue reading →

Farewell to Living and Working on the Web

Introduction Whilst I am bidding farewell to UOSM2008, I am not bidding farewell to the array of digital skills that I have developed throughout this module. Undertaking a degree in criminology has taught me valuable life and study skills, however, arguably the most useful thing that I have done whilst studying is opting into this module. Employing the use of a stranded reflection strategy, I will now critically reflect upon the last semester on this module (Waring & Evans, 2015). Continue reading →

So long… Farewell… Final Reflection

“Before we get down to business… I’d just like to express how far my digital skills have developed since starting this module.  I would never have dreamed of creating blog posts, least of all on topics relating to ‘Living and Working on the Web'”.    To describe, analyse, confront and evaluate my experience of blogging for UOSM2008, I will be using Smyth’s ‘Reflection on Action’ method of evaluation (1989). Continue reading →

Final Reflection

Each topic of this module seemed like critical individual incidents of learning, and as such I am employing Strategy 1 to surgically reflect on my progress throughout the module. I will preface my reflection with a completion of my Digital Literacies Self-Test. ‘Digital Literacies Self-Test’, Graphic by Tom Pethick, 2018. I want to dive deeper into exactly what changed to cause this universal growth in digital literacy, however, and will do so through four strands of reflection. Continue reading →

My UOSM2008 Journey

This module has helped me to develop my skills, expand my knowledge and change my overall views of the internet. To discover just how far I have come, I will will be using Smyth’s ‘Reflection on Action’ method of evaluation (1989) to describe, inform, confront and destruct my UOSM2008 journey. Describe What have I done throughout this module? Over the last 12 weeks I have started a blog themed around the idea of ‘Living and Working on the Web. Continue reading →

Reflecting whilst moving forward

Self-Made (2018)     I will be using Strategy 1 (de Cossart and Fish, 2006) in order to critically reflect on my experience on the UOSM2008 module. Factual Strand Prior to this module, internet usage hadn’t been very conscious as I am part of  ‘Generation Z’ (Strauss and Howe, 1991). However, The topics covered in this module gave a really far-reaching overview of the debates surrounding our usage of the internet. I highlight this below: http://tompaterson. Continue reading →

Keep it private

This week’s topic was really eye-opening, as it focused on an area of digital identity that we don’t consider. Making one wrong choice online could potentially negatively affect us for life. After reading many of my peers’ posts, I have realised that my idea of having multiple identities is very different from others. However, the majority did agree that having a single identity was not as advantageous. Continue reading →